Man pages for vimc/montagu-r
Interface with 'montagu'

montagu_burden_estimate_set_clearDeletes all uploaded rows from an incomplete burden estimate...
montagu_burden_estimate_set_closeCloses a burden estimate set, marking it as complete.
montagu_burden_estimate_set_createCreate a new burden estimate set
montagu_burden_estimate_set_dataRetrieves the data for a specific burden estimate set.
montagu_burden_estimate_set_infoRetrieves information about a specific burden estimate set.
montagu_burden_estimate_set_outcome_dataRetrieve data for a particular outcoe of a burden estimate...
montagu_burden_estimate_set_problemsRetrieves information about a specific burden estimate set.
montagu_burden_estimate_setsRetrieves list of estimate sets for a group, touchstone and...
montagu_burden_estimate_set_uploadDeletes all uploaded rows from an incomplete burden estimate...
montagu_central_burden_estimate_templateGet central burden estimate template for an expectation
montagu_coverage_dataRetrieve coverage data for a scenario, touchstone and...
montagu_coverage_infoRetrieve metadata for coverage sets for a particularly group,...
montagu_current_estimate_set_infoGet information on current estimate set for a scenario.
montagu_current_estimate_set_problemsRetrieve list of any problems in current estimate set for a...
montagu_demographic_dataDownload demographic data for a given touchstone.
montagu_demographics_listList the demographic data available for a given touchstone.
montagu_diseaseRetrieve disease with given id.
montagu_diseasesRetrieve list of all disease ids and names.
montagu_expectationGet information about an expectation
montagu_expectation_applicable_scenariosGet applicable scenarios for an expectation
montagu_expectation_countriesGet country list for an expectation
montagu_expectation_outcomesGet expected outcomes
montagu_expectationsGet expectations for a modelling group and touchstone
montagu_modelRetrieve model with given id.
montagu_modelling_groupRetrieve modelling_group with given modelling_group_id.
montagu_modelling_group_membersRetrieve list of members for a given modelling_group_id.
montagu_modelling_groupsRetrieve list of all modelling group ids and names.
montagu_model_listRetrieve list of models for a given modelling_group_id.
montagu_model_run_parameter_set_dataRetrieve info about one model run parameter sets for a group...
montagu_model_run_parameter_set_infoRetrieve info about one model run parameter sets for a group...
montagu_model_run_parameter_setsRetrieve a list of model run parameter sets for a group and...
montagu_model_run_parameter_set_uploadUpload a model_run_parameter_set to Montagu.
montagu_modelsRetrieve list of all model ids, names, citations and groups.
montagu_orderlyweb_remoteorderly remote driver
montagu_scenario_problemsRetrieve a list of any problems with a scenario.
montagu_scenariosRetrieve information about a scenario
montagu_scenario_statusRetrieve current status of a groups' scenario.
montagu_serverCreate a handle to a montagu server
montagu_server_global_default_setSet a global default montagu server
montagu_server_global_listList known montagu servers
montagu_stochastic_burden_estimate_templateGet stochastic burden estimate template for an expectation
montagu_touchstonesRetrieve touchstones a modelling group is responsible for.
montagu_touchstones_for_scenarioGet touchstones that include this scenario
montagu_touchstone_versionsRetrieve list of all versions of a given touchstone.
vimc/montagu-r documentation built on Oct. 10, 2019, 9:10 p.m.