orderly_run_remote: Run a report on a remote server

View source: R/remote.R

orderly_run_remoteR Documentation

Run a report on a remote server


Run a report on a remote server. Note that this is only supported for remotes using OrderlyWeb at present.


  parameters = NULL,
  ref = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  wait = 3600,
  poll = 1,
  open = TRUE,
  stop_on_error = TRUE,
  stop_on_timeout = TRUE,
  progress = TRUE,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  instance = NULL,
  remote = NULL



Name of the report


Parameters for the report


Optional reference, indicating which branch should be used. This cannot be used if the remote has default_branch_only set.


Time to tell the server to wait before killing the report.


Time to wait for the report to be run; if the report takes longer than this time to run but timeout is longer it will remain running on the server but we will stop waiting for it and instead throw an error.


Period to poll the server for results (in seconds)


Logical, indicating if the report should be opened in a browser on completion (if supported by the remote)


Logical, indicating if we should throw an error if the report fails. If you set this to FALSE it will be much easier to debug, but more annoying in scripts. If the report times out on the server (i.e., takes longer than timeout) that counts as an error.


Logical, indicating if we should throw an error if the report takes longer than wait seconds to complete.


Logical, indicating if a progress spinner should be included.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. Will use default if NULL.


Description of the location. Typically this is a character string indicating a remote specified in the remotes block of your orderly_config.yml. It is also possible to pass in a directly created remote object (e.g., using orderly_remote_path(), or one provided by another package). If left NULL, then the default remote for this orderly repository is used - by default that is the first listed remote.


No return value, this function is called only for its side effects


path_remote <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
path_local <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
remote <- orderly::orderly_remote_path(path_remote)
# Currently, path remotes don't support run
  "minimal", remote = remote, root = path_local))

vimc/orderly documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:31 a.m.