Man pages for vimc/phipps
VIMC plotting functions

aggregate_dataFilters the data set based on the touchstone and date...
build_meta_dataConverts a list of parameters into a data frame of metadata
filter_by_dateFilters the data set based on the touchstone and date...
get_order_of_magnitudeGiven a number in (0,1e12) calculates the order of magnitude...
graph_impact_top_countriesPlots the top country impact graph EXPORTED FUNCTION Must be...
graph_num_divCreate the correct axis label based on the maximum value
graph_tracking_targetsFilters and does some processing of the data set before...
make_disease_coloursCreates a vector of colours for graph_impact_top_countries
make_tidy_ylabCreates a human readable label for the y axis of the...
params_selectFilter a data frame (or equivalent) based on a set of...
prep_impact_top_countriesFilters and does some processing of the data set before...
set_tracking_titleCreates the plot title from the parameter set
shorten_nameSimple hacky function that converts longer country names to...
table_impact_top_countriesCreates a simplified table mirroring the data from the top...
title_impact_top_countriesCreates the title for the plot based on the parameters given
vimc/phipps documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:56 a.m.