#' Representations of the Generalized Pareto Distribution
#' @param x,q Vector of quantiles.
#' @param p Vector of probabilities.
#' @param scale Vector of scale parameters; positive numeric.
#' @param shape Vector of shape parameters; positive numeric.
#' @param lower.tail Single logical. If `TRUE`, cdf (default);
#' if `FALSE`, survival function.
#' @returns Vector of evaluated GPD distribution, with length
#' equal to the recycled lengths of `q`/`x`/`p`, `scale`, and `shape`.
#' @examples
#' pgpd(1:10, 1, 1)
#' dgpd(1:10, 2, 0)
#' qgpd(1:9 / 10, 10, -2)
#' @rdname gpd_raw
#' @export
pgpd <- function(q, scale, shape, lower.tail = TRUE) {
checkmate::assert_numeric(scale, 0)
checkmate::assert_logical(lower.tail, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
l <- vctrs::vec_recycle_common(q, scale, shape)
q <- l[[1]]
scale <- l[[2]]
shape <- l[[3]]
hi <- gpd_upper(scale = scale, shape = shape)
left <- q < 0
right <- q > hi
t <- gev_t_function(q, location = 0, scale = scale, shape = shape)
if (lower.tail) {
res <- 1 - t
res[left] <- 0
res[right] <- 1
} else {
res <- t
res[left] <- 1
res[right] <- 0
#' @rdname gpd_raw
#' @export
qgpd <- function(p, scale, shape) {
# z = (RP^xi - 1) / xi -> log(RP)
checkmate::assert_numeric(scale, 0)
l <- vctrs::vec_recycle_common(p, scale, shape)
p <- l[[1]]
scale <- l[[2]]
shape <- l[[3]]
rp <- 1 / (1 - p)
res <- ifelse(
p >= 0 & p <= 1,
ifelse(shape == 0, log(rp), (rp^shape - 1) / shape),
scale * res
#' @rdname gpd_raw
#' @export
dgpd <- function(x, scale, shape) {
checkmate::assert_numeric(scale, 0)
l <- vctrs::vec_recycle_common(x, scale, shape)
x <- l[[1]]
scale <- l[[2]]
shape <- l[[3]]
z <- x / scale
hi <- gpd_upper(scale = scale, shape = shape)
t <- gev_t_function(x, location = 0, scale = scale, shape = shape)
res <- ifelse(shape == 0, t, (1 + shape * z)^(-1 / shape - 1))
# i_zero <- shape == 0
# i_non0 <- shape != 0
# res <- numeric(length(x))
# res[i_zero] <- t[i_zero]
# res[i_non0] <- (1 + shape[i_non0] * z[i_non0])^(-1 / shape[i_non0] - 1)
res[x < 0 | x > hi] <- 0
res / scale
#' Upper endpoint of GPD
#' @inheritParams dst_gpd
#' @returns A vector of maxima corresponding to the input parameters.
#' @noRd
gpd_upper <- function(scale, shape) {
l <- vctrs::vec_recycle_common(scale, shape)
scale <- l[[1]]
shape <- l[[2]]
res <- shape # For NA propagation
ifelse(shape < 0, -scale / shape, Inf)
# i_calc <- shape < 0
# res[i_calc] <- -scale[i_calc] / shape[i_calc]
# res[shape >= 0] <- Inf
# res
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