CoordinationType: Enumeration of Coordination Type values

CoordinationTypeR Documentation

Enumeration of Coordination Type values


The CoordinationType list contains an enumeration of valid string constant values representing coordination types in the coordination space.

  • DATASET: The dataset to be used for a view.

  • EMBEDDING_TYPE: The type of embedding to be used in the embedding scatterplot view, for example "UMAP" or "t-SNE".

  • EMBEDDING_ZOOM: The zoom level of an embedding scatterplot view.

  • EMBEDDING_ROTATION: The rotation of an embedding scatterplot view.

  • EMBEDDING_TARGET_X: The x-axis center of an embedding scatterplot view.

  • EMBEDDING_TARGET_Y: The y-axis center of an embedding scatterplot view.

  • EMBEDDING_TARGET_Z: The z-axis center of an embedding scatterplot view.

  • SPATIAL_ZOOM: The zoom level of a spatial view.

  • SPATIAL_ROTATION: The rotation of a spatial view.

  • SPATIAL_TARGET_X: The x-coordinate of the center of a spatial view.

  • SPATIAL_TARGET_Y: The y-coordinate of the center of a spatial view.

  • SPATIAL_TARGET_Z: The z-coordinate of the center of a spatial view.

  • HEATMAP_ZOOM_X: The x-axis zoom level of a heatmap view.

  • HEATMAP_ZOOM_Y: The y-axis zoom level of a heatmap view.

  • HEATMAP_TARGET_X: The x-coordinate of the center of a heatmap view.

  • HEATMAP_TARGET_Y: The y-coordinate of the center of a heatmap view.

  • CELL_FILTER: A subset of cells to include after filtering.

  • CELL_HIGHLIGHT: A subset of cells to highlight.

  • CELL_SET_SELECTION: A subset of cell sets to select.

  • CELL_SET_HIGHLIGHT: A subset of cell sets to highlight.

  • CELL_SET_COLOR: A mapping from cell sets to colors.

  • GENE_FILTER: A subset of genes to include after filtering.

  • GENE_HIGHLIGHT: A subset of genes to highlight.

  • GENE_SELECTION: A subset of genes to select.

  • GENE_EXPRESSION_COLORMAP: The colormap to use for the gene expression scale.

  • GENE_EXPRESSION_COLORMAP_RANGE: The range of gene expression values to map.

  • CELL_COLOR_ENCODING: The color encoding to use for cell entities.

  • SPATIAL_LAYERS: Layer definitions for the spatial view.

  • GENOMIC_ZOOM: The zoom level of a higlass view.

  • GENOMIC_TARGET_X: The x-coordinate of the center of a higlass view.

  • GENOMIC_TARGET_Y: The y-coordinate of the center of a higlass view.

  • ADDITIONAL_CELL_SETS: User-defined cell sets.




An object of class list of length 35.


vc <- VitessceConfig$new(schema_version = "1.0.16", name = "My config")
ref_dataset <- vc$add_dataset("Reference")
qry_dataset <- vc$add_dataset("Query")
ref_plot <- vc$add_view(ref_dataset, Component$SCATTERPLOT, mapping = "umap")
qry_plot <- vc$add_view(qry_dataset, Component$SCATTERPLOT, mapping = "proj.umap")
  c(ref_plot, qry_plot),
  c(CoordinationType$EMBEDDING_TARGET_X, CoordinationType$EMBEDDING_TARGET_Y),
  c_values = c(0, 0)

vitessce/vitessceR documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 12:24 a.m.