Man pages for vjcitn/bbsBuildArtifacts
analyze build artifacts for Bioconductor

artifact_folder_pathsobtain all package artifact folder paths
ArtifSet-classArtifact set S4 class definition artifact data collected to tibble
available_artifstabulate available artifacts in a cache
BBS_package_data-classencapsulate BBS information from multiple platforms for a...
BBS_pkg_data_for_host-classencapsulate data on BBS state for a single host
BBS_raw_pkg_info-classmanage raw-results element info.dcf
becomes_OKlist packages that have resolved an event comparing af2...
browse_eventsapp to get details on events in packages
build_report_tgz_urlmake url for a checkResults instance
collect_eventsscan a slice of an ArtifSet for events produced in R CMD...
core92HPages collection of testing packages
demo_pathA demonstration URL with trimmed report.tgz in a local file
demo_urlA demonstration URL with trimmed report.tgz in a local file
demo_url2A demonstration URL with trimmed report.tgz in a local file,...
event_freqsprovide a concise table of events by host
examine_cachelook at a cache for potential BBS build artifact tarballs
get_report_tgz_cacheidget reporting artifacts for a Bioconductor collection (e.g.,...
host_data_by_phaseacquire data on a package's BBS state
host_data_by_phase-BBS_package_data-character-character-methodacquire data on a package's BBS state
hostnamessimple extractor
hostnames_by_releasevector of hostnames for build nodes
hostossimple extractor
idiosync_statusenumerate packages that fail on only a subset of platforms
maint4pkggiven a package name, version, and biocPkgList instance,...
make_BBS_package_dataencapsulate BBS state for a package
make_demo_ArtifSetsimplify production of the test ArtifSet
new_eventslist packages that have a new event comparing af2 (later) to...
package_by_host_dataingest dcf files for a package
packages_with_eventsget info on packages with non-ok status
packnames_with_eventsfilter packages by host, phase, state
paths-ArtifSet-methodhelper subsetter
path_to_untarred_artifact_foldersuntar the artifact archive and return the path
pkgs_with_eventlist packages presenting with status on BBS
plot_scan_chkplot counts of checksrc OK for a scan
plot_scan_instplot counts of install OK for a scan
print.artifact_folder_pathsshow artifact paths nicely
print.bbs_time_reportprint method for time report, focusing on large times
print.event_collectionshort report of an event collection
print.pkg_by_host_datasimplify presentation of pkg data
pull_R_metaacquire information on build platform from BBS NodeInfo.html...
scan_artifsretrieve and process information from a series of report.tgz...
scan_demo_3.17scan on 16 july
scan_demo_3.18dev scan on 16 july
setup_artifactsCreate ArtifSet instance
show-ArtifSet-methoddisplay salient information about ArtifSet
show-BBS_package_data-methodsimple display of BBS package data
show-BBS_pkg_data_for_host-methodsimple display of BBS package data for host
show-BBS_raw_pkg_info-methodsimple display of BBS raw package info from info.dcf
simplecoresubjective listing of core packages, mostly by...
simplify_artifact_build_dcfsproduce a data.frame from a collection of...
summary.bbs_time_reportprint method for time report, focusing on large times
tabulate_states(can be memoised) retrieve data.frame from...
time_reportproduce a simple list with data on times
unlink_artifsetremove all elements of an ArtifSet from disk
valid_typesavailable types in a vector
vjcitn/bbsBuildArtifacts documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 2:06 p.m.