Man pages for vjcitn/edx_adv_bioc
course development, edx advanced bioconductor

creb1_selsa selection of CREB1-targeted ChIP-seq 'signal p-value'...
genes_from_pathwayapp to retrieve genes corresponding to one of a selection of...
gopw_selecteda selection of pathway-related terms in GO
plot.nnetslightly modified program from beckmw gist (see note below)
se_to_filtered_taskproduce post-filter Tasks for mlr3
skdoutput of import_enc_bw with CREB1-targeted ChIP-seq 'signal...
uuoutput of import_enc_bw with FOXA1-targeted ChIP-seq 'signal...
vjcitn/edx_adv_bioc documentation built on March 17, 2020, 3:58 p.m.