Man pages for vreuter/SwissR
Swiss aRmy Knife: R Utilities

binRateLocator of the proper bin (index) of a rate.
combineNamedTablesCreator of long data that preserves individual table...
countBinnedObservationsCounter of number of observations that fall into each of a...
countListItemsCounter of items of certain type(s) from a composite...
divKLCalculator of Kullack-Leibler divergence
entropyAlias for 'shannonEntropy'
expandPathPath expansion utility
foldRightListList builder
insertPseudocountsAssurance that each value of a vector is nonempty.
locatePackageFinder of package installation source location candidates.
makedirsBuilder of folder(s)
makeFilePathBuilder of path to file within project's results folder.
nOfEachSampler for the first observation of each unique value for a...
normalizedEntropyAlias for 'normalizedShannonEntropy'
normalizedShannonEntropyCalculator of normalized Shannon entropy for given...
oneOfEachSampler of first observation of a particular table column.
refreshPackageInstaller and loader of a package, either local or from...
shannonEntropyCalculator of Shannon entropy for a vector of observations.
updateFoldRightHelper for creating function argument to rightward list...
vreuter/SwissR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:29 a.m.