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STSCI 6520 HW 2 Package (R)

There are three functions in this R package stsci6520: ordinary least square solver solve_ols, leverage subsampling regressor algo_leverage, and elastic net coordinate descent algorithm elnet_coord. It requires 'glmnet' and parallel computing.

To download and install the package, use devtools:


You can subsequently load the package with the usual R commands:


stsci6520 has three functions:

1. OLS Solver by iterative methods: Gauss-Seidel, Jacobi

To solve $x$ for a linear system $Ax = b$, the function is used as follows:

solve_ols(A, b, n_cores = 2, method, n_iter = 100)

$A$ is required to be a square invertible matrix, and $b$ is a vector with the same dimension as the row space of A.

Here method can be specified as 'GS' or 'Jacobi' indicating Gauss-Seidel methods or Jacobi methods respectively.

Number of iterations has default 100, but can be modified in the parameters.

The parameter n_cores is for the number of cores to be used in the parallel computing of Jacobi.

Here is an example you can use for reference:

D = diag(rep(10, 10))
N = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 10)
A = D + N
b = runif(10)

x_JC = solve_ols(A, b, method = 'Jacobi', n_iter = 1000)
x_GS = solve_ols(A, b, method = 'GS', n_iter = 1000)
print(cbind(x_JC, x_GS))

2. Leverage-score subsampling for OLS

This function replicates the setting used in Ma et Al (2014), Figure 1.

The idea is to subsample from the dataset using either of uniform-based probability or leverage-score-based propbability subsampling (in this case, observations with higher leverage scores have higher probabilities of being subsampled and account more towards the regression). Computing the SVD of the design matrix, we can extract the leverage scores.

Here's an example:

n = 400; p = 5; r = 20
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
true.beta = 3 * runif(p)
y = X %*% true.beta + rnorm(n)

beta.unif = algo_leverage(y, X, sample_size = r, method = 'unif')
beta.lev = algo_leverage(y, X, sample_size = r, method = 'leverage')
print(cbind(beta.unif, beta.lev))

3. Elastic net via coordinate descent algorithm

This function just returns the output required to solve hw1 question 3, takes no arguments as parameters; for simulated dataset used, refer to the HW1Q3 instructions.


vs385/stsci6520 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:35 a.m.