
##' Read Key/Value Pair Observations
##' This package provides functionality to read files containing
##' observations which consist of arbitrary key/value pairs.
##' @docType package
##' @name rkvo

##' Read key/value pair observations.
##' Provides the workhorse function to read key/value pair
##' observations from a flat file. Note that, same keys and
##' corresponding values in the same observation are returned as
##' vectors.
##' @name readkvs
##' @param path The path to the input file.
##' @param delim_tuple The tuple deliminator.
##' @param delim_field The field deliminator.
##' @return A list of observations. Each observation is a named list
##' of key/value pairs.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Assume that we have a file at path "file.dat" with the
##' ## following contents:
##' ##
##' ## key1=value11;key2=value12
##' ## key1=value21;key2=value22
##' ## key1=value31;key2=value320;key2=value321
##' ##
##' ## Let's read this in and display as a matrix:
##' observations <- readkvs("file.dat", ";", "=")
##' do.call(rbind, observations)
##' }
##' @useDynLib rkvo
##' @importFrom Rcpp cppFunction
##' @export
vst/rkvo documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:09 p.m.