Man pages for vzhomeexperiments/lazytrade
Learn Computer and Data Science using Algorithmic Trading

aml_collect_dataFunction to read, transform, aggregate and save data for...
aml_consolidate_resultsFunction to consolidate model test results
aml_make_modelFunction to train Deep Learning regression model for a single...
aml_score_dataFunction to score new data and predict change for each single...
aml_simulationFunction to simulate multiple input structures
aml_test_modelFunction to test the model and conditionally decide to update...
check_if_optimizeFunction check_if_optimize.
create_labelled_dataCreate labelled data
create_transposed_dataCreate Transposed Data
data_tradesTable with Trade results samples
decrypt_mykeysFunction that decrypt encrypted content
DFRTable with predicted price change
dlogCreate log difference distribution
encrypt_api_keyEncrypt api keys
EURUSDM15X75Table with indicator and price change dataset
evaluate_macroeconomic_eventFunction used to evaluate market type situation by reading...
get_profit_factorDFFunction that returns the profit factors of the systems in a...
import_dataImport Data file with Trade Logs to R.
indicator_datasetTable with indicator dataset
macd_100Table with indicator only used to train model, 128 col 1646...
macd_dfTable with one column indicator dataset
macd_ML60MTable with indicator and market type category used to train...
mt_evaluateFunction to score data and predict current market type using...
mt_import_dataImport Market Type related Data to R from the Sandbox
mt_make_modelFunction to train Deep Learning Classification model for...
mt_stat_evaluateFunction to prepare and score data, finally predict current...
mt_stat_transfPerform Statistical transformation and clustering of Market...
opt_aggregate_resultsFunction to aggregate trading results from multiple folders...
opt_create_graphsFunction to create summary graphs of the trading results
policy_tr_systDFTable with Market Types and sample of actual policy for those...
price_datasetTable with price dataset
price_dataset_bigTable with price dataset, 30000 rows
profit_factor_dataTable with Trade results samples
profit_factorDFTable with Trade results samples
result_prevTable with one column as result from the model prediction
result_RTable with predicted price change
result_R1Table with aggregated trade results
rl_generate_policyFunction performs Reinforcement Learning using the past data...
rl_generate_policy_mtFunction performs RL and generates model policy for each...
rl_log_progressFunction to retrieve and help to log Q values during RL...
rl_log_progress_mtFunction to retrieve and help to log Q values during RL...
rl_record_policyRecord Reinforcement Learning Policy.
rl_record_policy_mtRecord Reinforcement Learning Policy for Market Types
rl_write_control_parametersFunction to find and write the best control parameters.
rl_write_control_parameters_mtFunction to find and write the best control parameters.
test_data_patternTable with several columns containing indicator values and...
to_mConvert time series data to matrix with defined number of...
TradeStatePolicyTable with Trade States and sample of actual policy for those...
trading_systemDFTable with trade data and joined market type info
util_find_pidR function to find PID of active applications
util_generate_passwordR function to generate random passwords for MT4 platform or...
util_profit_factorCalculate Profit Factor
write_command_via_csvWrite csv files with indicated commands to the external...
write_ini_fileCreate initialization files to launch MT4 platform with...
x_test_modelTable with a dataset to test the Model
yTable with indicators and price change which is used to train...
vzhomeexperiments/lazytrade documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 6:09 p.m.