Man pages for wStockhausen/wtsUtilities
Collection of miscellaneous utility functions developed by William Stockhausen

abs_to_relConvert absolute path to relative one
addCumSumsAdd cumulative sums (standard and normalized) of a column to...
addFilterAdd a file type to file extensions
addQuotesAdd quotes to a character string vector.
addTransparencyAdd transparency to a vector of colors
aggregateDataframeAggregate a dataframe according to "factor" levels.
applyCutPtsDetermine bins by applying a vector of cutpoints
boxify"Boxify" x,y vectors for a "boxy" xy plot
calcCIsCompute confidence intervals from cv's or standard deviations
calcColumnDiffsCalculate differences between dataframe columns by row
calcMidpointsCalculate midpoints from a vector ofcuutpoints
calcPercentNonzeroCalculate percent non-zero occurrences from a set of...
checkKeywordCheck string against keyword and stop if unequal
checkValidTypeCheck a value (type) against a vector of valid types
computeFunctionByFactorsCompute results using an arbitrary function on columns in a...
computeStatscomputeStats: Calculate count, mean, stdev, and cv of a...
computeStats.dataframecomputeStats.dataframe: Calculate count, mean, stdev, and cv...
computeStats.matrixcomputeStats.matrix: Calculate count, mean, stdev, and cv of...
computeStats.vectorReturns count, mean, stdev, and cv of vector x
computeTickIntervalCalculate nice tick intervals for a scale.
concatenateCSVsConcatenate csv files into one
convertToNumericConvert a character vector to numeric values
countReturns count of x (ignoring NAs)
createColorPaletteCreate a color palette
createColorScaleCreate a function defining a color scale
createGridForCategoriesCreate a 'tibble' tibble describing a rectangular grid...
createRectGridCreate a 'tibble' tibble describing a rectangular grid
cvpCalculate the cv (or std dev, if mean=0) of a vector.
deleteColDelete column in a dataframe or matrix
deleteColsDelete columns in a dataframe or matrix
doMenuCreate a menu of items
dropLevelsDrop factor levels from a dataframe
dropNAsRemoves all rows from a dataframe based on columns that...
extractWordExtract a vector of the n-th word by location from a vector...
first_differenceCalculate the first difference of a vector.
formatZerosformatZeros: replace blanks with 0's in printed numbers
GeomMeanCalculate geometric mean with NAs removed
getCaptionsFromGGPlotListExtract captions from list of plots in printGGList format
getCSVOpen a csv file as a dataframe.
getFactorLevelsFind the unique combination of levels of a set of "factors"...
getFileExtensionGet the extension from a filename
getFileStructureGet file structure
getFolderStructureGet folder structure
getFunctionNameGet the name of a function
getIntervalLimitsGet interval limits (cut points) from a vector of midpoints
getListElementPathsGet paths to all terminal list elements as a character vector
getObjGet saved object from an RData file
getOperatingSystemGet the operating system name.
gg_CreateColorsCreate a vector of colors based on a color scale
gg_FixOnePlotDimCalculate the missing dimension of a ggplot2 object given the...
gg_GetPlotDimsGet dimensions of a ggplot2 object or derived gtable
gg_GetPlotLayoutGet the layout dataframe from a ggplot2 or gtable object
gg_GetPlotSizeInfoGet info on grob sizes of a ggplot2 object or derived gtable
gg_SavePlotWithOneFixedDimSave a ggplot2 plot to a file, specifying the size of one...
gg_ShowPlotDimsDetermine and show dimensions of a ggplot2 object or derived...
gg_ShowPlotGrobsShow component "grobs" of a ggplot2 object (and get info on...
HarmMeanCalculate harmonic mean with NAs removed
isBlankStringTest if character string is only whitespace (i.e., blank)
keepColsKeep columns from a dataframe
listPackageFilesGet a vector of filenames associated with a package
modCalculate the modulus of two numbers
my.lapplymy version of lapply
parseDaysConvert character vector of dates to numeric vector of...
parseMonthsConvert character vector of dates to numeric vector of months
parseNumParse numeric expressions from a character vector.
parseTextParse text in character vector into individual elements by...
parseYearsConvert character vector of dates to numeric vector of...
pausePause R for a defined time
printGGListPrint a ggplot2 object, or list of ggplot2 objects
rebinColumnRebin a column in dataframe
reclassifyReclassify values in a vector.
rectify"Rectify" x,y vectors for a ggplot2::geom_rect xy plot
rootMedianSquareCompute the root median square deviation (rmsd) of a vector
saveObjSave an R object to an RData file with name 'obj'
selectFileSelect a file
sortBysort a dataframe by row according to columns.
standardizeStandardize a vector or columns in a dataframe by converting...
standardize.vectorStandardize a vector by converting to z-scores.
stripCommentsStrip comments from elements of a character vector
stripQuotesStrip quotes from a character string vector.
substituteValuesSubstitute final values for original values in a vector
SumSum with NAs removed
sumBySum variables in a dataframe by a set of factor levels
sumByDimsSum array by specified dimensions
trimByResidualsTrim rows from a dataframe based on a vector of residuals.
unstackDataframeUnstack columns in a dataframe by a set of factor levels
valid_indicesDetermine valid indices
writeTableToPDFCreate a pdf file from latex from a tabular object.
writeTexToPDFCreate a pdf file from a tex string and tex template.
wStockhausen/wtsUtilities documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:38 a.m.