Man pages for wacl-york/waclr
A Collection of Tools to Help at the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories (WACL)

aggregate_by_date_spanAggregate meteorological data from date span.
cardinal_direction_to_degreesFunction to transform cardinal direction wind directions to...
parse_excel_dateFunction to parse Microsoft Excel's numeric date.
parse_unix_timeFunction to conveniently parse a vector of unix time to a...
pipePseudo-function to re-export *magrittr*'s pipe.
read_syft_dataFunction to read Syft '.csv' files.
set_sub_second_optionFunction to set R's options to print fractional seconds.
str_date_formattedFunction to format a date (usually) for printing.
tidy_faam_netcdfFunction to transform a 'NetCDF' file from FAAM activites to...
time_zoneFunction to extract time-zone from a POSIXct date.
unix_time_to_excel_dateFunction to convert unix time to a Microsoft Excel date.
weekendFunction to test if dates are during the weekend or not.
wacl-york/waclr documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 7:05 p.m.