knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE)

Gene symbols in MSigDB

Load MSigDB and Excel-modified gene symbols

Excel-mogrified gene symbols (mog_map.csv) was catalogued by importing all gene symbols into Excel and exporting them in all available date formats. Also, 38,040 gene symbols used in MSigDB database is downloaded and saved in msigdb.v7.0.symbols.gmt.


readGMT <- function (fname, name.column = 1) {
    if (!(name.column == 1 | name.column == 2))
        stop("name.column should be 1 or 2")
    x <- readLines(fname)
    x <- strsplit(x, split = "\t")
    output <- lapply(x, function(y) y[-1:-2])
    names(output) <- make.names(sapply(x, function(y) y[name.column]), unique = TRUE)

# gmt.files <- dir(pattern = "\\.gmt$")
# if(length(gmt.files) == 0) stop(paste("No .gmt files found in", getwd()))

# Load all .gmt files
gmt.files <- "msigdb.v7.0.symbols.gmt"
all.sigs <- lapply(gmt.files, readGMT)
all.sigs <- lapply(all.sigs, function(x) unique(unlist(x)))
# all.sigs <- lapply(all.sigs, function(x) x[!grepl("^LOC", x)]) 
names(all.sigs) <- gmt.files
all.sigs$OVERALL <- unique(, all.sigs))

# Load Excel-mogrified gene symbols
mog <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "mog_map.csv", package = "HGNChelper"), 

Update using HGNChelper

Fetch the up-to-date human gene symbol map using HGNChelper::getCurrentHumanMap.

CurrentHumanMap = getCurrentHumanMap()

Update gene symbols using HGNChelper and check any Excel-mogrified gene symbol.

simplecheck <- sapply(all.sigs, function(x){
        tmp <- checkGeneSymbols(x, map = CurrentHumanMap)
        output <- c(sum(tmp$Approved)/nrow(tmp), 
                    sum(![, 3]))/nrow(tmp), 
                    any(toupper(x) %in% toupper(mog[, 2])))
        names(output) <- c("valid.frac", "valid.after.hgnchelper.frac", "any.excel")
simplecheck <- t(simplecheck)

# checkGeneSymbols
tmp = checkGeneSymbols(all.sigs[[1]], map = CurrentHumanMap)

# the number of invalid gene symbols before
sum(tmp$Approved != "TRUE")   

# the number of invalid gene symbols after

# Example of gene symbols that can't be corrected by HGNGhelper
unfixables <- sort(tmp[[, 3]), 1])  
sample(unfixables, 10)

Most of unfixable cases are lncRNA. Some are withdrawn gene symbols, LOC- genes. (From NCBI: "Symbols beginning with LOC. When a published symbol is not available, and orthologs have not yet been determined, Gene will provide a symbol that is constructed as 'LOC' + the GeneID. This is not retained when a replacement symbol has been identified, although queries by the LOC term are still supported. In other words, a record with the symbol LOC12345 is equivalent to GeneID = 12345. So if the symbol changes, the record can still be retrieved on the web using LOC12345 as a query, or from any file using GeneID = 12345.")

Gene symbols in GPL

Fetch GPL files and update using HGNChelper

GEO platform information is downloaded from in five .csv files and combined/saved as platforms.csv. As of March 27th, 2020, there are 20,716 platforms exist in GEO.

dir <- "inst/extdata/GPL_list"
gpl_files <- list.files(dir)
first <- read.csv(file.path(dir, gpl_files[1]),
platform <- = ncol(first), nrow = 0))
colnames(platform) <- colnames(first)

for (i in seq_along(gpl_files)) {
  gpl = read.csv(file.path(dir, gpl_files[i]),
  platform = rbind(platform, gpl)

write.csv(platform, "inst/extdata/platform.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Fetch all the gene symbols found in GPL, store in column 1 of platform.csv.

all.platforms <- read.csv("platform.csv",

# human Entrez Gene identifier symbols
hgnc.reference <- as.character(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)   
names(hgnc.reference) <- NULL

Create gpls_already_tested.csv file

(This step takes long --> separate R script available as test_GPLs.R)


raw.platform.dir <- "platforms"
hgnc.vec.dir <- "hgnc.vecs"

if (file.exists("gpls_already_tested.csv")) {
    gpls.already.tested <- read.csv("gpls_already_tested.csv", header=TRUE)
} else {
    write.table(t(c("platform", "colname", "frac.hgnc", "nrow", 
                    "valid.frac", "valid.after.hgnchelper.frac", 
                    "distribution", "submission_date")),
                row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep=",")

for (i in 1:nrow(all.platforms)){
    gpl <- all.platforms[i, 1]
    hgnc.vec.file <- paste(hgnc.vec.dir, "/", gpl, "_hgnc.vec.RData", sep="")

    if(exists("gpls.already.tested") && gpl %in% gpls.already.tested$platform) next
    gpldat <- try(getGEO(gpl, destdir=raw.platform.dir))   
    if(class(gpldat) == "try-error") next
    gpltable <- try(Table(gpldat))
    if(class(gpltable) == "try-error") next
    hgnc.frac <- apply(gpltable, 2, function(x) sum(unique(x) %in% hgnc.reference) / length(unique(x)))

    # any column containing gene symbol will have >0 value
    if(any(hgnc.frac > 0.5)) {   # updated from `hgnc.frac > 0`

        # assumed that there is only one 'symbol' column
        hgnc.vec <- unique(as.character(gpltable[, which.max(hgnc.frac)]))  
        # get rid of anything after a space
        hgnc.vec <- gsub("[ ].+", "", hgnc.vec)  
        # convert to ascii
        HGNChelper.output <- checkGeneSymbols(iconv(hgnc.vec, "latin1", "ASCII", ""),
                                              map = CurrentHumanMap)  

        # fraction of valid gene symbols BEFORE HGNChelper
        valid.frac <- sum(HGNChelper.output$Approved) / length(hgnc.vec)  
        # fraction of valid gene symbols AFTER HGNChelper
        after.HGNChelper.valid.frac <- sum(!$Suggested.Symbol)) / length(hgnc.vec)  

        hgnc.vec <- c(gpldat@header$distribution, gpldat@header$submission_date, hgnc.vec)
        save(hgnc.vec, file=hgnc.vec.file, compress="bzip2")

        info.for.file <- t(c(gpl, colnames(gpltable)[which.max(hgnc.frac)], 
                             max(hgnc.frac), nrow(gpltable), 
                             valid.frac, after.HGNChelper.valid.frac, 

        print(paste(i, gpl, length(hgnc.vec), "HGNC symbols found and saved."))

    } else {
       info.for.file <- t(c(gpl, colnames(gpltable)[which.max(hgnc.frac)], 
                            max(hgnc.frac), nrow(gpltable), NA, NA, 
       print(paste(i, gpl, ": No HGNC symbols."))

    write.table(info.for.file, file="gpls_already_tested.csv", 
                append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep=",")

Summary plots

Fraction of corrected gene symbols (by original prop. of valid symbols)

x <- read.csv("gpls_already_tested.csv",
x$valid.after.hgnchelper.frac <- as.numeric(x$valid.after.hgnchelper.frac)
x <- x[!$valid.frac), ]
x <- x[x$valid.frac > 0, ]

df <- data.frame(before=cut(100*x$valid.frac, breaks=seq(0, 100, by=20)),
                 fixed=(x$valid.after.hgnchelper.frac - x$valid.frac)/(1-x$valid.frac))

boxplot(fixed ~ before, data=df,
        main=paste("Correcting the annotations of", 
                   nrow(df), "GEO platforms"),
        xlab="% Valid Before HGNChelper",
        ylab="Fraction of invalid \n gene symbols fixed",
        col="grey", boxwex=1.1, varwidth=TRUE)

Fraction of valid gene symbols (by submission dates)

raw <- read.csv("gpls_already_tested.csv",  # 20,713 raws
raw$valid.after.hgnchelper.frac <- as.numeric(raw$valid.after.hgnchelper.frac)
raw <- raw[!$valid.frac), ]   # 2,044 rows
raw <- raw[raw$valid.frac > 0.2, ]   # 2,043 rows
raw$year <- as.numeric(gsub(".+[ ]+", "", raw$submission_date))
n.years <- length(unique(raw$year))
boxplot(valid.frac ~ year, data=raw, boxwex=0.3, ylim = c(0.4, 1),
        # main="Fig 2. Valid gene symbols for submission year",
        xlab="Submission Year", ylab="Fraction of valid gene symbols", 
        names=sub("20", "'", sort(unique(raw$year))), col="white")
boxplot(valid.after.hgnchelper.frac ~ year, data=raw, ylim = c(0.4, 1),
        boxwex=0.3, xaxt='n', at=(1:n.years)+0.35, add=TRUE, col="grey")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Before", "After"), pch=c(0, 15), 
       col=c("black", "grey"), lty=-1, bty='n', cex=1)
png("~/data2/HGNChelper/inst/analyses/Fig1.png", width = 1400, height = 740)
boxplot(valid.frac ~ year, data=raw, boxwex=0.3, ylim = c(0.4, 1),
        # main="Fig 2. Valid gene symbols for submission year",
        xlab="Submission Year", ylab="Fraction of valid gene symbols", 
        names=sub("20", "'", sort(unique(raw$year))), col="white")
boxplot(valid.after.hgnchelper.frac ~ year, data=raw, ylim = c(0.4, 1),
        boxwex=0.3, xaxt='n', at=(1:n.years)+0.35, add=TRUE, col="grey")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Before", "After"), pch=c(0, 15), 
       col=c("black", "grey"), lty=-1, bty='n', cex=1)

The number of unique platforms (= each dot in the above plot) each year


Mouse Gene Symbol

Mouse gene symbols begin with an uppercase letter followed by all lowercase letters except for recessive mutations, which begin with a lowercaase letter.

mouse = c("Pzp", "A2m", "A2mr","SEPT7", "1-Feb", "lrp1", "9/7")
checkGeneSymbols(mouse, species = "mouse")

HGNChelper cannot fix mouse gene alias containing uppercase letter in the middle of gene name. For example, "E430008G22Rik" (valid symbol is "Abl1") or "AA536808" (valid symbol is "Abl2").

mouse = c("abl2", "AA536808", "E430008G22Rik", "AbLl", "Cpamd8", "cpamd8", "mug2", "Mug2")
checkGeneSymbols(mouse, species = "mouse")

waldronlab/HGNChelper documentation built on April 10, 2022, 7:39 p.m.