Man pages for wamserma/VCD2R
Parsing and Basic Operations on Value Change Dumps

accumulateaccumulate toggle counts returns accumulated counts (and only...
FindNodeGenericA more flexible variant of data.tree::FindNode(). This...
noNAmap NA entries to 0
parseBlockscope parsing dispatcher function to keep 'parseVCDForKeys'...
parseHierarchyParse a hierarchy from a VCD File
parseScopeParse a scope statement from a VCD File
parseTogglesParses a VCD file and generated toggle count statistics.
parseVCDForKeysParse a VCDFile for a given list of sections This function is...
parseVCDHeaderParse a VCDFile for its header fields
plotTogglesthe high level plotting function, vurrently provides plotting...
VCD2RVCD2R - Loading Value Change Dumps int R.
VCDFileCreate an VCDFileObject
wamserma/VCD2R documentation built on May 20, 2023, 11:17 p.m.