Man pages for wasquith-usgs/MGBT
Multiple Grubbs-Beck Low-Outlier Test

ASloRegression of a Heuristic Method for Identification of Low...
BLloBarnett and Lewis Test Adjusted for Low Outliers
CondMomsChi2Conditional Moments: N.B. Moments employ only observations...
CondMomsZConditional Moments: N.B. Moments employ only observations...
CritKCompute Critical Value of Grubbs-Beck statistic (eta) Given...
critK10Single Grubbs-Beck Critical Values for 10-percent Test as...
EMSExpected values of M and S
GGBKCohn Approximation for New Generalized Grubbs-Beck Critical...
gtmomsMoments of Observations Above the Threshold
makeWaterYearMake Water Year Column
MGBTMultiple Grubbs-Beck Test (MGBT) for Low Outliers
MGBT-packageMultiple Grubbs-Beck Low-Outlier Test
petaProbability of Eta
plotFFQevolPlot Flood-Frequency in Time
plotPeaksPlot Peak Streamflows with Emphasis on Peak Discharge...
RSloRosner RST Test Adjusted for Low Outliers
RthOrderPValueOrthoTP-value for the Rth Order Statistic
splitPeakCodesSplit the Peak Discharge Qualifications Codes into Separate...
VCovariance matrix of M and S-squared
VMSCovariance matrix of M and S
wasquith-usgs/MGBT documentation built on Aug. 6, 2019, 4:57 p.m.