cdfaep4: Cumulative Distribution Function of the 4-Parameter...

cdfaep4R Documentation

Cumulative Distribution Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution


This function computes the cumulative probability or nonexceedance probability of the 4-parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power distribution given parameters (\xi, \alpha, \kappa, and h) computed by paraep4. The cumulative distribution function is

F(x) = \frac{\kappa^2}{(1+\kappa^2)} \; \gamma([(\xi - x)/(\alpha\kappa)]^h,\; 1/h)\mbox{,}

for x < \xi and

F(x) = 1 - \frac{1}{(1+\kappa^2)} \; \gamma([\kappa(x - \xi)/\alpha]^h,\; 1/h)\mbox{,}

for x \ge \xi, where F(x) is the nonexceedance probability for quantile x, \xi is a location parameter, \alpha is a scale parameter, \kappa is a shape parameter, h is another shape parameter, and \gamma(Z, s) is the upper tail of the incomplete gamma function for the two arguments. The upper tail of the incomplete gamma function is pgamma(Z, shape, lower.tail=FALSE) in R and mathematically is

\gamma(Z, a) = \int_Z^\infty y^{a-1} \exp(-y)\, \mathrm{d}y \, /\, \Gamma(a)\mbox{.}

If the \tau_3 of the distribution is zero (symmetrical), then the distribution is known as the Exponential Power.


cdfaep4(x, para, paracheck=TRUE)



A real value vector.


The parameters from paraep4 or vec2par.


A logical controlling whether the parameters and checked for validity.


Nonexceedance probability (F) for x.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2014, Parameter estimation for the 4-parameter asymmetric exponential power distribution by the method of L-moments using R: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, v. 71, pp. 955–970.

Delicado, P., and Goria, M.N., 2008, A small sample comparison of maximum likelihood, moments and L-moments methods for the asymmetric exponential power distribution: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, v. 52, no. 3, pp. 1661–1673.

See Also

pdfaep4, quaaep4, lmomaep4, paraep4


x <- -0.1
para <- vec2par(c(0, 100, 0.5, 4), type="aep4")
FF <- cdfaep4(-.1,para)
cat(c("F=",FF,"  and estx=",quaaep4(FF, para),"\n"))
## Not run: 
delx <- .1
x <- seq(-20,20, by=delx);
K <- 1;
PAR <- list(para=c(0,1, K, 0.5), type="aep4");
plot(x,cdfaep4(x, PAR), type="n",ylim=c(0,1), xlim=range(x),
lines(x,cdfaep4(x,PAR), lwd=4);
lines(quaaep4(cdfaep4(x,PAR),PAR), cdfaep4(x,PAR), col=2)
PAR <- list(para=c(0,1, K, 1), type="aep4");
lines(x,cdfaep4(x, PAR), lty=2, lwd=4);
lines(quaaep4(cdfaep4(x,PAR),PAR), cdfaep4(x,PAR), col=2)
PAR <- list(para=c(0,1, K, 2), type="aep4");
lines(x,cdfaep4(x, PAR), lty=3, lwd=4);
lines(quaaep4(cdfaep4(x,PAR),PAR), cdfaep4(x,PAR), col=2)
PAR <- list(para=c(0,1, K, 4), type="aep4");
lines(x,cdfaep4(x, PAR), lty=4, lwd=4);
lines(quaaep4(cdfaep4(x,PAR),PAR), cdfaep4(x,PAR), col=2)
## End(Not run)

wasquith/lmomco documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 10:15 a.m.