
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @title Internal Initialize Session Variables
#' @description Use initializeSessionVariables() instead!
#' @return Integer status 
c_initializeSessionVariables <- function() {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_c_initializeSessionVariables', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow')

#' @title Internal Load Graph from File
#' @description Use loadGraphFromFile() instead!
#' @param path Path to the graph
#' @return Integer status 
c_loadGraphFromFile <- function(path) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_c_loadGraphFromFile', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', path)

#' @title Internal Function: Load Saved Model
#' @description Use loadSavedModel() instead!
#' @param path Path to the saved model
#' @param tags Tags associated with the graph (from {"serve", "train, "gpu"})
#' @return Integer Status
c_loadSavedModel <- function(path, tags) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_c_loadSavedModel', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', path, tags)

#' @title Internal Feed Input Ops
#' @description Sets the input node of graph, and feeds a tensor to it
#' @param op_name Op name (Node) to which tensor must be fed to graph
#' @param inp Vector to be fed to graph
#' @return Integer status 
setFeedInput <- function(op_name, inp) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_setFeedInput', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', op_name, inp)

#' @title Run Internal Session
#' @description Runs the Current Interactive Session
#' @param op_names Node to be set as output of graph
#' @return R List containing output tensor and dimensions
c_runSession <- function(op_names) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_c_runSession', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', op_names)

#' @title Reset Graph
#' @description Resets the graph by clearing all nodes created
#' @return Integer status
resetGraph <- function() {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_resetGraph', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow')

#' @title Close and Delete Session Variables
#' @description Closes session and frees all memory associated with it
#' @return Integer status
#' @examples
#' initializeSessionVariables()
#' deleteSessionVariables()
deleteSessionVariables <- function() {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_deleteSessionVariables', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow')

#' @title Placeholder
#' @description Adds a placeholder operation to the graph
#' @param shape Shape of Tensor
#' @param dtype Datatype of input
#' @param op_name Type of operation for node
#' @param unique_name Unique name for the node
#' @return Unique node name
getPlaceholder <- function(shape, dtype, op_name, unique_name) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getPlaceholder', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', shape, dtype, op_name, unique_name)

#' @title Source Op
#' @description Adds a source operation to the graph
#' @param val Tensor to be initialized as Constant
#' @param dim Vector indicating dimensions of val
#' @param dtype Datatype of input
#' @param op_name Type of operation for node
#' @param unique_name Unique name for the node
#' @return Unique node name
getSourceOp <- function(val, dim, dtype, op_name, unique_name) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getSourceOp', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', val, dim, dtype, op_name, unique_name)

#' @title Unary Op
#' @description Adds a unary operation to the graph
#' @param inp Input node
#' @param op_name Type of operation for node
#' @param unique_name Unique name for the node
#' @return Unique node name
getUnaryOp <- function(inp, op_name, unique_name) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getUnaryOp', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', inp, op_name, unique_name)

#' @title Binary Op
#' @description Adds a binary operation to the graph
#' @param l_op Input node
#' @param r_op Input node
#' @param op_name Type of operation for node
#' @param unique_name Unique name for the node
#' @return Unique node name
getBinaryOp <- function(l_op, r_op, op_name, unique_name) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getBinaryOp', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', l_op, r_op, op_name, unique_name)

#' @title Print Node List
#' @description Debug helper, returns all nodes currently in the graph
#' @return Dictionary of nodes 
getNodeList <- function() {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getNodeList', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow')

#' @title Catch Error
#' @description Debug helper, Catches the error if present
#' @return Integer Status
catchError <- function() {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_catchError', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow')

#' @title Get Error Message
#' @description Debug helper, Gets the error message if present
#' @return Integer Status
getErrorMessage <- function() {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getErrorMessage', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow')

#' @title Op Properties
#' @description Get properties of the operation
#' @param op_name Unique identifier of operation
#' @return List with properties of op
getOpProperties <- function(op_name) {
    .Call('_rtensorflow_getOpProperties', PACKAGE = 'rtensorflow', op_name)
wazeerzulfikar/rtensorflow documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:24 p.m.