FEMS-package: R-Interface to the ACTUS Algorithmic Library

FEMS-packageR Documentation

R-Interface to the ACTUS Algorithmic Library


Project ACTUS (Algorithmic Contract Types Unified Standards) is an open source project that develops a standardized language for the representation of financial instruments for the analytical use case. In a nutshell, the ACTUS data and algorithmic standards provide the means necessary to model and compute the payoff patterns of all kinds of financial instruments in the most accurate manner possible. For more information visit www.projectactus.org. The ACTUS algorithmic library is implemented in Java. This package provides and R-interface to the ACTUS java library. Using the rJava interface that supports 'communication' of R-objects with a Java Runtime Environment, the classes and methods of the ACTUS java library may be accessed through this package without having to care about the fact that AcTUS runs in Java.


rActus provides a set of R-reference classes representing the various components of the ACTUS simulation model and methods set and get that allow to alter and retrieve parameters of these components. Note that in general, all R-classes only serve as a wrapper to the respective java-classes that 'live' in a Java Virtual Machine which is started upon call of method onLoad of the package. Hence, the classes usually only contain a single field 'jref' that carries the reference to the respective java-object.

Four main ACTUS-system components are:

  • Contract Types

  • Risk Factors

  • Valuation Engines

  • Contract Events

Constructur CT(x) allows you to create an object of a Contract Type (CT) of class x. E.g. CT('PrincipalAtMaturity') creates a new instance of a PrincipalAtMaturity CT that contains the algorithmic parts mapping a set of input Contract Attributes and Risk Factor states onto a CT-specific payoff-pattern (or in other terms cash flow stream). Another possibility to create the same object is to use shortcut-constructurs like Pam() for PrincipalAtMaturity. For each CT, method terms returns a vector of available Contract Attributes which determine the resulting payoff. The list of available CTs may change over time as ACTUS and this package are still under development.

Constructors FXRate(),Index(),YieldCurve() enable to create objects representing certain Risk Factor classes. These objects carry the current state and/or future trajectory of a Risk Factor on which CT's payoffs may rely (think of a floating rate PAM).

Use an object of class RiskFactorConnector through constructor RFConn() in order to act as a collection of all Risk Factor objects and a means to attach these to a CT. Method add(x,y) with x being an RiskFactorConnector-object and y a RiskFactor-object in order to add y to the collection of Risk Factors in y. Further, use set(z,x) to attach the Risk Factor collection x to a ContractType-object and allow the latter to retrieve future states of the Risk Factors in x when deriving the CT's payoff.

Constructor VE(u) allows you to create an object of a Valuation Engine implementation u such as class DiscountingEngine. Valuation Engines are needed in two situations:

  • 1.Determine Payoff of a Derivative Instrument

  • 2.Determine Value of any Instrument

In the case of Derivative Instruments such as an Option, the payoff of the Option itself obviously relies on the 'Value' or 'Price' of an underlying instrument. Hence, in order to determine an Option's payoff, the Option CT requires knowledge of a 'Child-CT' and a valuation method for the same at any future point in time. The latter is being provided with the use of a Valuation Engine. Any engine in this package may be instantiated and assigned to the child-CT prior to its attachment to the Derivative-CT through method set(ChildCT,ValuationEngine). Custom engines may be implemented by the user himself in java but have to implement a certain ACTUS interface (cf. ACTUS documentation).

Contract Events are the deterministic output of an ACTUS-CT and carry all information on which financial analysis is based (cf. ACTUS documentation). rActus provides methods generateEvents and processEvents which compute the Contract Events of a CT. Once computed, the various events may be retrieved from the CT as an R-EventSeries object using EventSeries(x) with x a ContractType-object. Further, the events in an EventSeries-object y may be converted to an R-data.frame using as.data.frame(y).

In addition, a number of analytical methods allows to compute standard financial analytics based on the Contract Events of a CT. Amongst others, these are market, nominal, macaulay, etc.

Lastly, a graphical representation of the payoff of a CT may be generated through function plot.

A final note shall address the performance of some methods. In general, date being exchanged between the R and Java environments has to go through the JNI-interface in package rJava. Yet, this is very slow making the exchange of data between R and Java the bottleneck of any simulation. Hence, it is highly recommended to use methods set and get only if necessary. It is planned to provide with a future release of this package a method that allows to e.g. import a CT's Attributes from a file and write its Contract Events to a file rather than using the rJava-interface.

wbreymann/FEMS documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 9:43 a.m.