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The first objective of the analyst is to thoroughly understand, from a business perspective, what the customer really wants to accomplish. Often the customer has many competing objectives and constraints that must be properly balanced. The analyst’s goal is to uncover important factors at the beginning of the project that can influence the final outcome. A likely consequence of neglecting this step would be to expend a great deal of effort producing the correct answers to the wrong questions.
Collate the information that is known about the organization’s business situation at the start of the project. These details not only serve to more closely identify the business goals to be achieved but also serve to identify resources, both human and material, that may be used or needed during the course of the project.
Describe the customer’s primary objective, from a business perspective. In addition to the primary business objective, there are typically a large number of related business questions that the customer would like to address. For example, the primary business goal might be to keep current customers by predicting when they are prone to move to a competitor, while a secondary business objective might be to determine whether lower fees affect only one particular segment of customers.
Describe the criteria for a successful or useful outcome to the project from the business point of view. This might be quite specific and readily measurable, such as reduction of customer churn to a certain level, or general and subjective, such as “give useful insights into the relationships.” In the latter case, be sure to indicate who would make the subjective judgment.
Each of the success criteria should relate to at least one of the specified business objectives.
Before starting the situation assessment, you might analyze previous experiences of this problem --- either internally, using CRISP-DM, or externally, using pre-packaged solutions.
This task involves more detailed fact-finding about all of the resources, constraints, assumptions, and other factors that should be considered in determining the data analysis goal and in developing the project plan.
List the resources available to the project, including personnel (business and data experts, technical support, data mining experts), data (fixed extracts, access to live warehoused or operational data), computing resources (hardware platforms), and software (data mining tools, other relevant software).
Remember that the project may need technical staff at odd times throughout the project, for example during data transformation.
List all requirements of the project, including schedule of completion, comprehensibility, and quality of results and security, as well as legal issues. As part of this output, make sure that you are allowed to use the data.
List the assumptions made by the project. These may be assumptions about the data, which can be verified during data mining, but may also include non-verifiable assumptions related to the project. It is particularly important to list the latter if they will affect the validity of the results.
List the constraints made on the project. These constraints might involve lack of resources to carry out some of the tasks in the project in the time required, or there may be legal or ethical constraints on the use of the data or the solution needed to carry out the data mining task.
The list of assumptions also includes assumptions at the beginning of the project, i.e., what the starting point of the project has been.
List the risks, that is, the events that might occur, impacting schedule, cost, or result. List the corresponding contingency plans: what action will be taken to avoid or minimize the impact or recover from the occurrence of the foreseen risks.
Compile a glossary of terminology relevant to the project. This should include at least two components:
A glossary of data mining terminology, illustrated with examples relevant to the business problem in question
Check prior availability of glossaries; otherwise begin to draft glossaries
Prepare a cost-benefit analysis for the project, comparing the costs of the project with the potential benefits to the business if it is successful.
The comparison should be as specific as possible, as this enables a better business case to be made.
Remember to identify hidden costs, such as repeated data extraction and preparation, changes in workflows, and time required for training.
A business goal states objectives in business terminology; a data mining goal states project objectives in technical terms. For example, the business goal might be, “Increase catalog sales to existing customers,” while a data mining goal might be, “Predict how many widgets a customer will buy, given their purchases over the past three years, relevant demographic information, and the price of the item.”
Describe the intended outputs of the project that enable the achievement of the business objectives. Note that these are normally technical outputs.
It may be wise to re-define the problem. For example, modeling product retention rather than customer retention when targeting customer retention delivers results too late to affect the outcome.
Define the criteria for a successful outcome to the project in technical terms, for example a certain level of predictive accuracy or a propensity-to-purchase profile with a given degree of “lift.” As with business success criteria, it may be necessary to describe these in subjective terms, in which case the person or persons making the subjective judgment should be identified.
Remember that the data mining success criteria are different than the business success criteria defined earlier.
Remember it is wise to plan for deployment from the start of the project.
Describe the intended plan for achieving the data mining goals and thereby achieving the business goals.
List the stages to be executed in the project, together with their duration, resources required, inputs, outputs, and dependencies. Wherever possible, make explicit the large-scale iterations in the data mining process— for example, repetitions of the modeling and evaluation phases. As part of the project plan, it is also important to analyze dependencies between time schedule and risks. Mark results of these analyses explicitly in the project plan, ideally with actions and recommendations for actions if the risks are manifested.
Although this is the only task in which the project plan is directly named, it nevertheless should be consulted continually and reviewed throughout the project. The project plan should be consulted at minimum whenever a new task is started or a further iteration of a task or activity is begun.
At the end of the first phase, the project team performs an initial assessment of tools and techniques. Here, it is important to select a data mining tool that supports various methods for different stages of the process, since the selection of tools and techniques may influence the entire project.
Acquire the data (or access to the data) listed in the project resources. This initial collection includes data loading, if necessary for data understanding. For example, if you intend to use a specific tool for data understanding, it is logical to load your data into this tool.
Describe all the various data used for the project, and include any selection requirements for more detailed data. The data collection report should also define whether some attributes are relatively more important than others.
Remember that any assessment of data quality should be made not just of the individual data sources but also of any data that results from merging data sources. Because of inconsistencies between the sources, merged data may present problems that do not exist in the individual data sources.
Be aware that data collected from different sources may give rise to quality problems when merged (e.g., address files merged with a customer database may show inconsistencies of format, invalidity of data, etc.).
Remember that some knowledge about the data may be available from non-electronic sources (e.g., from people, printed text, etc.).
Remember that it may be necessary to preprocess the data (time-series data, weighted averages, etc.).
Examine the “gross” properties of the acquired data and report on the results.
Describe the data that has been acquired, including the format of the data, the quantity of the data (e.g., the number of records and fields within each table), the identities of the fields, and any other surface features that have been discovered.
This task tackles the data mining questions that can be addressed using querying, visualization, and reporting techniques. These analyses may directly address the data mining goals. However, they may also contribute to or refine the data description and quality reports, and feed into the transformation and other data preparation steps needed before further analysis can occur.
Describe the results of this task, including first findings or initial hypotheses and their impact on the remainder of the project. The report may also include graphs and plots that indicate data characteristics or point to interesting data subsets worthy of further examination.
Examine the quality of the data, addressing questions such as: Is the data complete (does it cover all the cases required)? Is it correct or does it contain errors? If there are errors, how common are they? Are there missing values in the data? If so, how are they represented, where do they occur, and how common are they?
List the results of the data quality verification; if there are quality problems, list possible solutions.
Review any attributes that give answers that conflict with common sense (e.g., teenagers with high income levels).
Use visualization plots, histograms, etc. to reveal inconsistencies in the data.
Remember that it may be necessary to exclude some data since they do not exhibit either positive or negative behavior (e.g., to check on customers’ loan behavior, exclude all those who have never borrowed, do not finance a home mortgage, those whose mortgage is nearing maturity, etc.).
Review whether assumptions are valid or not, given the current information on data and business knowledge.
Dataset: These are the dataset(s) produced by the data preparation phase, used for modeling or for the major analysis work of the project.
Dataset description: This is the description of the dataset(s) used for the modeling or for the major analysis work of the project.
Decide on the data to be used for analysis. Criteria include relevance to the data mining goals, quality, and technical constraints such as limits on data volume or data types.
List the data to be used/excluded and the reasons for these decisions.
Based on Data Selection Criteria, decide if one or more attributes are more important than others and weight the attributes accordingly. Decide, based on the context (i.e., application, tool, etc.), how to handle the weighting.
Raise the data quality to the level required by the selected analysis techniques. This may involve the selection of clean subsets of the data, the insertion of suitable defaults, or more ambitious techniques such as the estimation of missing data by modeling.
Describe the decisions and actions that were taken to address the data quality problems reported during the Verify Data Quality Task. If the data are to be used in the data mining exercise, the report should address outstanding data quality issues and what possible effect this could have on the results.
Remember that some fields may be irrelevant to the data mining goals and, therefore, noise in those fields has no significance. However, if noise is ignored for these reasons, it should be fully documented as the circumstances may change later.
This task includes constructive data preparation operations such as the production of derived attributes, complete new records, or transformed values for existing attributes.
Derived attributes are new attributes that are constructed from one or more existing attributes in the same record. An example might be: area = length * width.
Why should we need to construct derived attributes during the course of a data mining investigation? It should not be thought that only data from databases or other sources should be used in constructing a model. Derived attributes might be constructed because:
Before adding Derived Attributes, try to determine if and how they ease the model process or facilitate the modeling algorithm. Perhaps “income per person” is a better/easier attribute to use than “income per household.” Do not derive attributes simply to reduce the number of input attributes.
Another type of derived attribute is the single-attribute transformation, usually performed to fit the needs of the modeling tools.
Transformations may be necessary to change ranges to symbolic fields (e.g., ages to age ranges) or symbolic fields (“definitely yes,” “yes,” “don’t know,” “no”) to numeric values. Modeling tools or algorithms often require them.
Generated records are completely new records, which add new knowledge or represent new data that is not otherwise represented (e.g., having segmented the data, it may be useful to generate a record to represent the prototypical member of each segment for further processing).
Check for available techniques if needed (e.g., mechanisms to construct prototypes for each segment of segmented data).
These are methods for combining information from multiple tables or other information sources to create new records or values.
Merging tables refers to joining together two or more tables that have different information about the same objects. At this stage, it may also be advisable to generate new records. It may also be recommended to generate aggregate values.
Aggregation refers to operations where new values are computed by summarizing information from multiple records and/or tables.
Remember that some knowledge may be contained in non-electronic format.
Formatting transformations refers primarily to syntactic modifications made to the data that do not change its meaning, but might be required by the modeling tool.
Some tools have requirements on the order of the attributes, such as the first field being a unique identifier for each record or the last field being the outcome field the model is to predict.
Some tools have requirements on the order of the attributes, such as the first field being a unique identifier for each record or the last field being the outcome field the model is to predict.
It might be important to change the order of the records in the dataset. Perhaps the modeling tool requires that the records be sorted according to the value of the outcome attribute.
These are the dataset(s) produced by the data preparation phase, used for modeling or for the major analysis work of the project.
This is the description of the dataset(s) used for the modeling or for the major analysis work of the project.
As the first step in modeling, select the actual initial modeling technique. If multiple techniques are to be applied, perform this task separately for each technique.
Remember that not all tools and techniques are applicable to each and every task. For certain problems, only some techniques are appropriate (See Appendix 2, where techniques appropriate for certain data mining problem types are discussed in more detail). “Political requirements” and other constraints further limit the choices available to the data mining engineer. It may be that only one tool or technique is available to solve the problem at hand—and that the tool may not be absolutely the best, from a technical standpoint.
Record the actual modeling technique that is used.
Decide on appropriate technique for exercise, bearing in mind the tool selected.
Many modeling techniques make specific assumptions about the data.
Prior to building a model, it is necessary to define a procedure to test the model’s quality and validity. For example, in supervised data mining tasks such as classification, it is common to use error rates as quality measures for data mining models. Therefore, the test design specifies that the dataset should be separated into training and test sets. The model is built on the training set and its quality estimated on the test set.
Describe the intended plan for training, testing, and evaluating the models. A primary component of the plan is to decide how to divide the available dataset into training data, test data, and validation test sets.
Run the modeling tool on the prepared dataset to create one or more models.
With any modeling tool, there are often a large number of parameters that can be adjusted. List the parameters and their chosen values, along with the rationale for the choice.
Run the modeling tool on the prepared dataset to create one or more models.
Describe the resulting model and assess its expected accuracy, robustness, and possible shortcomings. Report on the interpretation of the models and any difficulties encountered.
The model should now be assessed to ensure that it meets the data mining success criteria and passes the desired test criteria. This is a purely technical assessment based on the outcome of the modeling tasks.
Summarize results of this task, list qualities of generated models (e.g., in terms of accuracy), and rank their quality in relation to each other.
“Lift Tables” and “Gain Tables” can be constructed to determine how well the model is predicting.
According to the model assessment, revise parameter settings and tune them for the next run in the Build Model task. Iterate model building and assessment until you find the best model.
Adjust parameters to produce better models.
Previous evaluation steps dealt with factors such as the accuracy and generality of the model. This step assesses the degree to which the model meets the business objectives, and seeks to determine if there is some business reason why this model is deficient. It compares results with the evaluation criteria defined at the start of the project.
A good way of defining the total outputs of a data mining project is to use the equation: $$RESULTS = MODELS + FINDINGS$$
In this equation, we are defining that the total output of the data mining project is not just the models (although they are, of course, important) but also the findings, which we define as anything (apart from the model) that is important in meeting the objectives of the business or important in leading to new questions, lines of approach, or side effects (e.g., data quality problems uncovered by the data mining exercise). Note: Although the model is directly connected to the business questions, the findings need not be related to any questions or objectives, as long as they are important to the initiator of the project.
This step assesses the degree to which the model meets the business objectives, and seeks to determine if there is some business reason why this model is deficient. Another option is to test the model(s) on test applications in the real application, if time and budget constraints permit.
Moreover, evaluation also assesses other generated data mining results. Data mining results cover models that are related to the original business objectives and all other findings. Some are related to the original business objectives while others might unveil additional challenges, information, or hints for future directions.
Summarize assessment results in terms of business success criteria, including a final statement related to whether the project already meets the initial business objectives.
After accessing models with respect to business success criteria, select and approve the generated models that meet the selected criteria.
At this point, the resulting model appears to be satisfactory and appears to satisfy business needs. It is now appropriate to make a more thorough review of the data mining engagement in order to determine if there is any important factor or task that has somehow been overlooked. At this stage of the data mining exercise, the Process Review takes the form of a Quality Assurance Review.
Summarize the process review and list activities that have been missed and/or should be repeated.
Based on the assessment results and the process review, the project team decides how to proceed. Decisions to be made include whether to finish this project and move on to deployment, to initiate further iterations, or to set up new data mining projects.
List possible further actions along with the reasons for and against each option.
Describe the decisions made, along with the rationale for them.
This task starts with the evaluation results and concludes with a strategy for deployment of the data mining result(s) into the business.
Summarize the deployment strategy, including necessary steps and how to perform them.
Monitoring and maintenance are important issues if the data mining results become part of the day-to-day business and its environment. A careful preparation of a maintenance strategy helps to avoid unnecessarily long periods of incorrect usage of data mining results. In order to monitor the deployment of the data mining result(s), the project needs a detailed plan for monitoring and maintenance. This plan takes into account the specific type of deployment.
Summarize monitoring and maintenance strategy, including necessary steps and how to perform them.
At the end of the project, the project team writes up a final report. Depending on the deployment plan, this report may be only a summary of the project and its experience, or a final presentation of the data mining result(s).
At the end of the project, there will be at least one final report in which all the threads are brought together. As well as identifying the results obtained, the report should also describe the process, show which costs have been incurred, define any deviations from the original plan, describe implementation plans, and make any recommendations for future work. The actual detailed content of the report depends very much on the intended audience.
As well as a final report, it may be necessary to make a final presentation to summarize the project -- maybe to the management sponsor, for example. The presentation normally contains a subset of the information contained in the final report, structured in a different way.
Assess what went right and what went wrong, what was done well, and what needs to be improved.
Summarize important experience gained during the project. For example, pitfalls, misleading approaches, or tips for selecting the best-suited data mining techniques in similar situations could be part of this documentation. In ideal projects, experience documentation also covers any reports that have been written by individual project members during the project.
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