knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This package provides a simple wrapper using system2 for calling GNU Find.

Hello World

Let's see all the R files we've modified in the last hour. But we don't want to see any the were generated in .Rcheck folders.

fs <- gnu_find(search_path = "~", 
               name = "*.R", 
               type = "f", 
               newermt = "1 hour ago",
               cmp = not(path = "*Rcheck*"))

cmp is a shorthand for making a compound statement. The three kinds of compound statements built-in are or, and, and not. New compound statements can be generated using compound. And you can use more than one compound statement. For example, suppose you want to exclude a few directories from your search path:

os <- gnu_find(search_path = "~", 
               cmp = or(name = c("*.R", "*.py")), 
               cmp = and(not(path = "*lib*"), 
                         not(path = "*cache*")))

In addition to compound statements, there are also switches. We might use the -empty switch to find all empty directories.

ed <- gnu_find(search_path = "~", type = "d", sw = "empty")

wdkrnls/gnufind documentation built on Nov. 19, 2019, 6:05 a.m.