Telematics Package Examples

This document shows the usage scenarios for the Telematics package. Their are two entry points to using the package. 1) If you do not have a Master Summary File created and you want to create One 2) If you have a Master Summary File and you want to load it and do some analysis

Defining some variable

library(package = "niraj9.telematics")
public.folder = "/home/niraj9/public/"
master.file.3 = paste(public.folder , "master-3.csv" , sep = "")
master.file.4 = paste(public.folder , "master-4.csv" , sep = "")

Scenario 1 - Create a Master Summary File

telematics <- Telematics$new(master.file.4)
arun = telematics$CreateMasterSummary(file.list = "/home/niraj9/public/fileList.csv" ,
                                         root.folder = "/home/niraj9/public/drivers/",
                                         subset.driver.count = 30 ,
                                         cores =4)

Scenario 2 - Load an existing Master Summary File

telematics <- Telematics$new(master.file.3)
telematics$load(verbose = FALSE)

Driver Analysis - Example 1 - Show Drivers loaded


Load a Driver

driver = Driver$new(db = telematics , = "2751")

Driver Analysis - Example 2 - Show Driver Graphs

q =driver$ShowCoordinates(trip = 165)
q =driver$ShowVelocity(trip = 165)
q =driver$ShowAcceleration(trip = 165)
q =driver$ShowBreaks(trip = 165)
q=driver$ShowQuantiles(trip = 111)
q=driver$ShowSpeedBreaks(trip = 120)

Driver Analysis - Example 3 - Driver Signature Predictive Model

Create a Unique Driver Signature. i.e a GBM Model that can identify a driver

model = driver$CreateDriverSignature()

Driver Analysis - Example 4 - Driver Class Predictive Model

Use the Telematics class to segment the drivers into 5 driver classes

fit <- telematics$SegmentDrivers(segments = 5)

Visualize the Driver Clusters


webscale/Telematics documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:05 a.m.