Man pages for weitinging/MinNetRank
An easy and efficient network-based method of integrating multi-omics data for cancer genes discovery

chooseBetaThe restart probability of β in the interaction network
differenceminimizing abs(restarted - diffused)
diffusedMatrixdiffusing the normalized adjacency matrix
MinRelevancethe minimum of MutationRelevanceScores and...
Mutationgeting the gene mutation score for each individual sample
normalizedMatrixnormalizing the adjacency matrix
RankSumtransforming the relevance score into ranks for each sample
Relevancethe mutation relevance scores or the expression relevance...
RnaExpressiongeting the differential expression score for each individual...
TumorNormalExpdifferential expression with the paired tumor and normal...
weitinging/MinNetRank documentation built on Dec. 29, 2019, 12:26 a.m.