Man pages for wendellopes/rvswf
RVSWF: Expansion in Vector Spherical Wave Functions written in R

bess.cunCylindrical Bessel function of order one J_1(x).
bess.cylCalculates Cylindrical Bessel functions from 0 to nmax.
bess.czrCylindrical Bessel function of order zero J_0(x)
bess.ricCalculates Ricatti-Bessel functions from 0 to nmax.
bess.sphCalculates Spherical Bessel functions from 0 to nmax.
bess.sunSpherical Bessel function of order one j_1(x)
bess.szrSpherical Bessel function of order one j_0(x)
bess.zroCalculates Spherical Bessel functions from 0 to nmax.
bscf.bbpBeam Shape Coefficients for Rectangular Wave Guides.
bscf.bbzBeam Shape Coefficients for Rectangular Wave Guides.
bscf.cwgBeam Shape Coefficients for Rectangular Wave Guides.
bscf.gpwBeam Shape Coefficients for Rectangular Wave Guides.
bscf.rwgBeam Shape Coefficients for Rectangular Wave Guides.
comp.cbdChecks the results of Lentz method and internal R Bessel...
comp.cblChecks the results of Lentz method and internal R Bessel...
comp.cylCompare results for Cylindrical Bessel Functions.
comp.neuCompare results for Cylindrical Neumann Functions.
comp.rblChecks the results of Lentz method and internal R Bessel...
comp.ricCompare results for Ricatti-Bessel Functions.
comp.sbdChecks the results of Lentz method and internal R Bessel...
comp.sblChecks the results of Lentz method and internal R Bessel...
comp.sphCompare results for Spherical Bessel Functions.
lcfa.cylCalculates the logarithmic derivative of the Cylindrical...
lcfa.ricArray of logarithmic derivative and ratio of Ricatti-Bessel...
lcfa.sphArray of logarithmic derivative and ratio of Spherical Bessel...
lcfe.afsAuxiliary function S_n(x)=n/x. Used on calculations of Bessel...
lcfe.cbdCalculates the ratio of Cylindrical Bessel Functions.
lcfe.cbiCalculates the inverse of the ratio of Cylindrical Bessel...
lcfe.cblCalculates the logarithmic derivative of Cylindrical Bessel...
lcfe.rblCalculates the logarithmic derivative of Ricatti-Bessel...
lcfe.sbdCalculates the inverse of the ratio of Spherical Bessel...
lcfe.sbiCalculates the inverse of the ratio of Spherical Bessel...
lcfe.sblCalculates the logarithmic derivative of Spherical Bessel...
lmie.expCalculates the Lorentz-Mie coefficients a_n and b_n.
lmie.legModified Legendre Polynomials used in scattering theories
lmie.logCalculates the Lorentz-Mie coefficients a_n and b_n.
lmie.ofcLorentz-Mie Optical Force Calculation.
lmie.phsPhase calculation
lmie.rfcn<-1.1;thmax<-79 n<-1.2;thmax<-72 #n<-1.4;thmax<-64...
lmie.rhoCalculates the Lorentz-Mie coefficients a_n and b_n.
lmie.sctScattering coeficients in the Lorentz-Mie
reff.cdhReference function Derivative of Cylindrical Hankel function...
reff.cdjRefference function Derivative of the Spherical Bessel...
reff.ch1Reference function Cylindrical Hankel function (1,2).
reff.chnReference function Cylindrical Hankel function (1,2).
reff.cjnCylindrical Bessel function
reff.rdjReference function Derivative of Ricatti-Bessel function .
reff.rjnRicatti-Bessel function
reff.sdjReference function Derivative of Spherical Bessel function .
reff.sjnReference function for Spherical Bessel Functions.
ridx.h2oParameters: Refraction index of water
ridx.polParameters: Refraction index of poliestirene.
rvswfVector Spherical Wave Functions in R
test.abcTest the calculation
test.abnTest the calculation of Mie Coefficients
vswf.bbpBeam Shape Coefficient for Circularly polarized Bessel Beam
vswf.bbzBeam Shape Coefficient for Transversal Bessel Beam.
vswf.cwgBeam Shape Coefficients for Cylindrical Wave Guides.
vswf.gpwBeam Shape Coefficients for a Generic Plane Wave
vswf.gwgGeneral expression for wave guides.
vswf.hmpHansen Multipoles.
vswf.jlmConvert the value of (l,m) to a single value
vswf.mpwBeam Shape Coefficients for a Plane Wave, as done by Mie
vswf.psiAuxiliary function used in calculations of Bessel Beams and...
vswf.pwePartial Wave Expansion in Vector Spherical Harmonics.
vswf.qlmNormalized Legendre Functions and its derivatives
vswf.rwgBeam Shape Coefficients for Rectangular Wave Guides.
vswf.sbfCalculation of Spherical Bessel Functions.
vswf.vshCalculates the Vector Spherical Harmonics from zero to lmax.
vwfd.bbpVector Wave Field Definition: Circularly polarized Bessel...
vwfd.bbzVector Wave Field Definition: Transversal Bessel Beam
vwfd.cwgVector Wave Field Definition: Cylindrical Wave Guide
vwfd.rwgVector Wave Field Definition: Rectangular Wave Guide
wendellopes/rvswf documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:19 a.m.