
Defines functions predict.NaturalSplineK predict.NaturalSpline predict.BernsteinPoly predict.CSpline predict.ISpline predict.MSpline predict.BSpline helper_predict

Documented in predict.BernsteinPoly predict.BSpline predict.CSpline predict.ISpline predict.MSpline predict.NaturalSpline predict.NaturalSplineK

## R package splines2 by Wenjie Wang and Jun Yan
## Copyright (C) 2016-2024
## This file is part of the R package splines2.
## The R package splines2 is free software: You can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later
## version (at your option). See the GNU General Public License at
## <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
## The R package splines2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of

##' Compute Spline Function for Given Coefficients
##' Returns the spline function (with the specified coefficients) or evaluate
##' the basis functions at the specified \code{x} if the coefficients are not
##' specified.
##' @name predict
##' @param object Spline objects produced by the \code{splines2} package.
##' @param newx The \code{x} values at which evaluations are required.  If it is
##'     \code{NULL} (by default), the original \code{x} used to create the
##'     spline object will be used.
##' @param coef A numeric vector specifying the coefficients of the spline basis
##'     functions.  If it is \code{NULL} (by default), the spline basis
##'     functions will be returned.  Otherwise, the resulting spline function
##'     will be returned.
##' @param ... Other options passed to the corresponding function that
##'     constructs the input \code{object}.  For example, the additional options
##'     will be passed to \code{bSpline()} for a \code{BSpline} object.
##' @return The function returns the spline basis functions with the new values
##'     of \code{x} if \code{coef} is not specified.  Otherwise, the function
##'     returns the resulting spline function (or its derivative if
##'     \code{derivs} is specified as a positive integer through \code{...}).
##' @example inst/examples/ex-predict.R
##' @importFrom stats predict

## the helper function for predict
helper_predict <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL,
                           ..., .FUN)
    res <- if (is.null(newx)) {
               update(object, ...)
           } else {
               update(object, x = newx, ...)
    if (is.null(coef)) {
    as.numeric(res %*% coef)

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.BSpline <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = bSpline

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.MSpline <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = mSpline

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.ISpline <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = iSpline

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.CSpline <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = cSpline

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.BernsteinPoly <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = bernsteinPoly

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.NaturalSpline <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = naturalSpline

##' @rdname predict
##' @export
predict.NaturalSplineK <- function(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)
        object = object,
        newx = newx,
        coef = coef,
        .FUN = nsk
wenjie2wang/splines2 documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:56 p.m.