Man pages for wenlong-liu/ggfertilizer
Retrieve, Summarize and Visualize the Fertilizer Data in USA

check_boundaryfunction to check the lat and long are within limits.
check_listcheck the list in the dataset or not.
data_overviewData overview for usfertilizer
data_preparationPrepare data for visualization.
get_FIPSGet the FIPS code for the selected data.
get_titleAutomatically generate the title for the map or plot.
ggfertilizerggfertilizer: Retrieve, Summarize and Visualize the...
map_us_fertilizerMap the fertilizer data in U.S.A.
theme_map_fertilizerCreate base map theme for further use. Adapted from theme...
wenlong-liu/ggfertilizer documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:43 a.m.