rtest: rtest: a test package

Description rtest functions


The rtest package is a package I write to learn to write a package.

rtest functions

The rtest package includes functions:

hello: template function that prints "hello"

convolveR: Function convolve in R version

convolveCpp: function convolve in C++ version

transpose: test for matrix transpose implemented in C++

matrix_test: test for matrix manipulation in Rcpp classes and Eigen templates

callR: test for calling an R function in C++ code

quadprog_solveR: C++ function to call the R function quadprog::solve.QP

quadprog_solveC: C++ function implemented by QuadProg++

orderBeta: Generating a partial ordered matrix of beta

posdefmat: function to generate random positive definite matrice

wenshuoliu/rtest documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:21 a.m.