Man pages for wepelham3/sack2
Miscellaneous Functions Used Across Projects

add_sav_labelsAdd variable labels from a .sav file or labelled dataframe
bpMake a noise
charvecs_to_named_charvec_tcCombined two character vectors into code declaring a named...
charvec_tcCopy character vector to clipboard for pasting
charvec_to_casewhen_tcCreate a 'case_when()' statement for a set of values and copy...
clear_output_dirDelete any visible files in output/
compare_mice_distribCompare imputed vs. raw data for 'mice' model
cor0Create tidy summary of pairwise correlations of vars in a...
count_allCall 'dplyr::count()' on all columns in a dataframe
count_NA_patternsReturn a count of each missing data pattern in dataframe
cross_tableVersion of 'gmodels::CrossTable' with better defaults
describeReturn tidy summary of vector
describe_dfReturn tidy summary of dataframe
describe_NAReturn tidy summary of NAs in dataframe
extract_pdfs_in_dirGather all '.pdf' files in a directory, recursively
fit_mice_for_diagCreate a 'mice' object for diagnostics
fnr_namesFind and replace patterns in names of a dataframe
fnr_wdFind and replace string in all '.R' files in directory
get_train_perfGet tidy training performance of a 'caret::train' object
get_varImpGet tidy variable importance information from a...
grapes-notin-grapesTest whether an element is NOT in a set
inspect_pred.matrixInspect the prediction matrix before imputation
inspect_savInspect labeling metadata from .sav file
keyCreate a random key
lpPrint dataframe with all rows shown
mkSource 'RUNME.R' or 'MAKEFILE.R'
notify_cellSend a text notification to cell phone
n_uniqueCount unique values of vector
pad_numberPad a number with leading zeroes
plot_ecdfPlot ECDF
plot_mice_convergencePlot imputation convergence for 'mice' model
plot_mice_distribPlot imputed vs. raw data for 'mice' model
pval_to_jamaConvert p values to JAMA format
pval_to_symbolConvert p values to symbols
replace_NAs_with_mediansReplace missing values in a dataframe with medians
round0Round all numeric columns in a dataframe
save_session_infoSave session info as .txt file
set_up_new_repoSet up basic file structure for new repo
source_allSource all R scripts within a folder
source_linesSource specific lines in an R file
table0Version of 'table' with better defaults
tcWrite to clipboard
tc_as_commentWrite a string to the clipboard formatted as an 80-wide R...
tidy_confusionMatrixTidy report of performance in 'caret::confusionMatrix()'
tidy_MIcombineCombine and tidy the result of a 'mitools' analysis
to_missindRecode a target column in dataframe to indicator of...
tstampCreate a timestamp
valsCreate tidy dataframe that summarizes frequency of values in...
wpsaveWrap ggsave() to save as .png & .pdf, then load to viewer
write_wpSave dataframe as both .csv and .xlsx
wepelham3/sack2 documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 5:53 a.m.