Man pages for wesleyburr/subMaldi
Organization and Processing of MALDI-MS Datasets

After1Pairwise Spectral Data Frame from Sample
After2Pairwise Spectral Data Frame from Sample
avgSpectraAverage Spectral Replicates
baselineCorrBaseline Correction
Before1Pairwise Spectral Data Frame from Sample
Before2Pairwise Spectral Data Frame from Sample
Blank1Pairwise Spectral Data from Matrix Blank
Blank2Pairwise Spectral Data from Matrix Blank
bslineRaw Spectrum with Irregular Baseline
createSpecDFCreate Empty Spectral Data Frame
find_maxFind Peak Maxima
find_max_setFind Most Intense Peak of a Set
mapSpectrumMap Spectrum to _m/z_ Vector
MasterMaster Data Frame (High Resolution)
Master2Master Data Frame (Low Resolution)
normMethod_custimpNormalization Method: Maximum Intensity of Set
normMethod_customNormalize Peak Intensity to Custom _m/z_
normMethod_maxNormalization Method: Maximum Intensity
normMethod_max_setNormalization Method: Maximum Intensity of Set
normMethod_medianNormalize a Spectral Dataset to its Median Intensity
normMethod_quantileNormalize Distribution of Intensities
normMethod_rel_TICNormalize Relative Peak Intensity by Total Ion Current
normMethod_RMSNormalize Spectral Intensity by Root Mean Square
normMethod_stdevNormalize Spectrum to Standard Deviation of Noise
normMethod_TICNormalize Peak Intensity by Total Ion Current
normSpectraNormalize Spectral Data
peakDetPeak Detection
plotSpectraPlot and Compare Spectra
read_asciiRead Raw ASCII Files
readcsvDirImport .csv Spectra from a Directory and Export
readcsvSpecImport a Single .csv Spectrum
rmveEmptyRemove Empty Rows
smoothSpectrumSmooth Noise in Spectrum
subMALDI-packagesubMALDI: Organization and Processing of MALDI-MS Datasets
subSpectraSubtract Blank Peaks from Sample Spectra
wesleyburr/subMaldi documentation built on Oct. 1, 2021, 7:07 a.m.