Man pages for wesleycrouse/TIMBR
Tree-based Inference of Multiallelism via Bayesian Regression

additive.designCreate an additive genetic design matrix
approx.alpha.mle#' @keywords internal TIMBR.scan.plot <-...
calc.concentration.priorCalculate hyperparameters for Chinese restaurant process with...
ewenss.calcDirect calculation of Ewens's sampling formula with optional...
ewenss.samplerEwens's sampling formula with optional gamma prior on the...
mcv.dataCollaborative Cross QTL data for mean red blood cell volume...
TIMBRTree-based Inference of Multiallelism via Bayesian Regression
TIMBR.approxApproximate Bayes Factors from TIMBR Output
TIMBR.consistentConstruct consistent prior from existing list-type prior.M
TIMBR.plot.circosCircos Plot of Pairwise Partition Probabilities from TIMBR...
TIMBR.plot.haplotypesPlot Haplotype Effects from TIMBR Output
wesleycrouse/TIMBR documentation built on Feb. 19, 2021, 7:31 a.m.