Man pages for weverkaj/RMN
Tools for the Rangeland Monitoring Network

add.pointyearAdds year and pointyear columns to data
add.soilcolumnsAdd date, year, and survey ID columns
add.zerosAdds zeros to dataframe for statistical analysis
all_remove.firstRemove first row of data frame if empty
all_TidynamesTidy column names in any data frame.
bird_birdcount.yearCreate Species List
bird_convert.distanceConvert distance bins into continuous values
bird_focal.graphCreate a Focal Species Abundance per Year Graph
bird_MAPdistance.binReplaces Distance Bin Values from different RMN point count...
bird_preparePrepares bird data for analysis
bird_prep.columnsAdds columns to bird dataframe
bird_species.allCreates Species dataframe
bird_species.commonCreates Species dataframe with common names
bird_species.listCreate Species List with common names
bird_species.richnessCreate a Species Richness per Point Graph
bird_subset.cueSubset bird data based on detection cue
bird_subset.distanceSubsets point count distance to specified value
bird_visitsCreate Visit Table
bird_wide.dataCreates wide data frame for Point Count data
bird_wide.focalCreates a subsetted wide data frame for Point Count data
carbon.plotCarbon Plot
compaction.plotMake a soil compaction plot
cover.summaryCreate cover summary table for veg data
cover.sum.plotPlot species richness and cover
data.sumMake a table to summarize data
extrapolate_infExtrapolate Infiltration Time
functional.cover.change.plotFunctional cover change summary plot
functional.cover.change.tableFunctional cover change summary table
functional.cover.plotFunctional cover summary plot
functional.cover.tableCreate a table of cover for functional groups at each point
long.lpiSummarize number of lpi hits by species
pair.dataAggregate Soil Data by Point
percent.change.plotMake a percent change boxplot of soil carbon and bulk Density
points.cover.plotCreate a plot of cover for functional groups at each point
read.dateInterpret data
seCalculate standard error soil data to make figures
species.cover.tableCreate a table of cover for each species at each point
species.listCreate species list for veg data
survey.sumsSummarize data for soil survey visits
texture.triangle.plotMake a soil texture triangle
toSecondsConvert to seconds
weverkaj/RMN documentation built on July 26, 2019, 10:34 p.m.