Dear Professor Ripley:

Thank you for your cogent response and useful suggestions.

We have made the corrections you suggested and have reduced redundancy in the DESCRIPTION file.

With respect to your query as to why the package is needed, we agree that statisticians can perform these analyses with lm() alone. The package is designed to assist non-statistical users of R who seek a global solution to the simple two-group straight line ANCOVA problem. The print() method for an sla object produces directly interpretable estimates of the coefficients for all four models. The summary() method provides tests of fit for the three null hypotheses of: (1) equivalent data sets, (2) equivalent slopes, and (3) equivalent intercepts. The plot() method provides plots of the data with fitted lines from models A, B, C, or D.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


W. Gregory Alvord

wgalvord/sla documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:22 a.m.