wmfastr: Speedy Dwelltime and Search Preference Computations

NOTICE: while this package is installed from GitHub (wikimedia/wmfastr), that repository is a read-only mirror of wikimedia/discovery/ortiz repository hosted on Gerrit. See mediawiki:Developer account for information about creating a Wikimedia Developer account for contributing to this package, MediaWiki, and other Wikimedia projects.

Other packages from Wikimedia Foundations's Product Analytics team include: wmfdata for working with Wikimedia data in R, wmfdata for working with Wikimedia data in Python, and waxer for querying Wikimedia Analytics Query Service in R.


This package requires compilation with a compiler that supports C++11. g++-5 and clang++ 3.3 have (near-)complete C++11 support. g++-6 and g++-7 are pretty common on Linux and if you have the most recent version of Command Line Tools for Xcode (via xcode-select --install) for macOS, you should have clang++ 5.0.0 (or later), which includes full C++11 support.

# install.packages("remotes", repos = c(CRAN = ""))

To update:



Functions for estimating preference of ranking functions using clicks on interleaved search results: - interleaved_preference estimates preference; see vignette for details - interleaved_bootstraps resamples sessions with replacement to yield bootstrapped sample of preferences - interleaved_confint uses interleaved_bootstraps and stats::quantile to yield a bootstrapped confidence interval

Functions for determining user satisfaction rate based on dwell time: - dwell_time


Additional Information

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

wikimedia/wikimedia-discovery-ortiz documentation built on Aug. 23, 2020, 9:46 a.m.