Man pages for will-r-chase/glyph

calc_inscribed_rCalculate the radius of inscribed shapes
choose_inscribedChoose the number of inscribed planets
glyphGeneratorAddinLaunch a gui to make glyphs
helloHello, World!
makedf_inscribed_planetsCalculate positions of inscribed planets
makedf_lineCalculate x and y positions for a path
makedf_orbitsMake a dataframe of orbit positions
makedf_outlinesMake a dataframe of outline positions
makedf_planetsMake a dataframe for planet positions
makedf_seedCalculate positions for seed
orbitDraw an orbital diagram
orbit_appDraw an orbital diagram///FOR APP
orbit_glitchGenerate "glitched" orbital glyphs
orbit_glitch_appGenerate "glitched" orbital glyphs///FOR APP
summonDraw a summoning circle diagram
summon_appDraw a summoning circle diagram///FOR APP
will-r-chase/glyph documentation built on Oct. 29, 2019, 3:49 a.m.