knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Review Date and Time


Each of the functions in the textclass was evaluated using the examples provided in the vignette. Overall, the vignette provides an excellent overview of the package and its functionality.


textclass installs from github using devtools::install_github in documentation without error. The package runs with minor errors, however these errors are accompanied with explanations in the R console window.

Ease of Use

The textclass vignette makes the package easy to use. The functions in the package all have documentation that explains how they are used in this package.

Final Thoughts

I was unable to find any package-crashing errors. The code ran as expected, and error messages displayed in the console were well documented. Consider wrapping the package in a shiny app or shiny gadget to make it easier for non-programmers or individuals unfamiliar with R to use in an internet browser.

Recommended Grade: 49/50

williamcsevier/textclass documentation built on May 26, 2019, 5:36 a.m.