
REST API Method Reference

All the available REST API methods are grouped into nine categories.

Below are all the available methods organised into the relevant categories. The corresponding Implemented as is the available function in fatsecretR which matches the API method. Where Implemented as is NULL, this indicates that the API method has not yet been implemented in fatsecretR.

1. Foods

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- food.add_favourite | NULL food.delete_favourite| NULL food.get|getFoodID foods.get_favourites|NULL foods.get_most_eaten|NULL foods.get_recently_eaten|NULL|getFood

2. Recipes

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- recipe.add_favourite | NULL recipe.delete_favourite| NULL recipe.get|NULL recipes.get_favourites|NULL|NULL

3. Recipe Types

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- recipe_types.get | NULL

4. Saved Meals

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- saved_meal.create| NULL saved_meal.delete| NULL saved_meal.edit|NULL saved_meals.get|NULL saved_meal_item.add|NULL saved_meal_item.delete|NULL saved_meal_item.edit|NULL saved_meal_item.get|NULL

5. Exercises

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- exercises.get | NULL

6. Profile Management

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- profile.create | makeProfile profile.get| getProfile / getUserProfile * profile.get_auth|getAuth profile.request_script_session_key|NULL

7. Profile Food Diary

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- food_entries.copy | NULL food_entries.copy_saved_meal| NULL food_entries.get|getFoodEntry food_entries.get_month|getFoodEntryMonth food_entry.create|NULL food_entry.delete|NULL food_entry.edit|NULL

8. Profile Exercise Diary

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- exercise_entries.commit_day | NULL exercise_entries.get| NULL exercise_entries.get_month|NULL exercise_entries.save_template|NULL exercise_entry.edit|NULL

9. Profile Weight Diary

API Method | Implemented as -------------------|------- weight.update | NULL weight.get_month| NULL

wilsontom/fatsecretR documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:28 a.m.