Man pages for wingtham/NOAA
Read, Cleanse and Visualise NOAA Dataset

compute_timelineFunction to compute ranges data to be consumed by...
compute_timeline_labelFunction to compute data to be consumed by...
draw_timelineFunction to prepare timeline grid objects
draw_timeline_labelFunction to prepare timeline annotation objects
eq_clean_dataClean Earthquake Dataframe
eq_create_labelCreate HTML formatted pop up text for the earthquake...
eq_location_cleanTake out country from Location Name
eq_mapCreate an interactive map zoomed to the data with simple...
geom_timelabelCorresponding function to GeomTimelinelabel
GeomTimelabelGeom class for the annotation of Earthquake data
geom_timelineCorresponding function to GeomTimeline
GeomTimelineGeom class for the Earthquake data
stat_timelabelCorresponding function to prepare layer object for...
StatTimelabelStat class for the annotation of earthquake timeline
stat_timelineCorresponding function to prepare layer object for...
StatTimelineStat class for the earthquake data
theme_timelineTheme for the earthquake data
wingtham/NOAA documentation built on May 24, 2019, 3:51 p.m.