Suppose we are interested in listing the top FPL performers by FPL goals and assists? Again, we take the first 25 gameweeks of the 18/19 season as an example.

First we fetch the gameweek-by-gameweek details of ALL players using get_player_details:


df <- get_player_details(season=18) # this may take a while to load as it fetches ALL player details

Next we use dplyr and ggplot2 to transform and plot the data, showing the top performers:

df %>%
  filter(round %in% 1:25) %>% # filtering for the GWs we are interested in
  select(playername,goals_scored,assists) %>% # selecting the relevant columns
  group_by(playername) %>% # transformation to group and summarize the performance at the 'playername' variable level
  summarize_all(sum) %>% 
  mutate("involvements"=goals_scored+assists) %>% # adding a new variable that sums the goals scored and assists
  arrange(-involvements) %>%  # ordering (arranging) the table by top involvements
  slice(1:20) # showing the top20 only

wiscostret/fplscrapR documentation built on June 12, 2022, 8:03 a.m.