
Personal Data

Will Jones October 26, 2015

Here we have data provided by William Henderson, containing data from 5 riders.

bikeroutes.shapefile <- readOGR("../data/RIDE/william-trips-export.json", "OGRGeoJSON", p4s="+proj=tmerc +ellps=WGS84")
## OGR data source with driver: GeoJSON 
## Source: "../data/RIDE/william-trips-export.json", layer: "OGRGeoJSON"
## with 7712 features and 13 fields, of which 1 list fields
## Feature type: wkbLineString with 2 dimensions
bikeroutes.df <- fortify(bikeroutes.shapefile)

##        long      lat order piece group id
## 1 -122.6532 45.50247     1     1   0.1  0
## 2 -122.6532 45.50247     2     1   0.1  0
## 3 -122.6532 45.50247     3     1   0.1  0
## 4 -122.6532 45.50247     4     1   0.1  0
## 5 -122.6531 45.50240     5     1   0.1  0
## 6 -122.6530 45.50235     6     1   0.1  0
ggplot(bikeroutes.df, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group)) + geom_path()

Okay. The data produced by fortifying the bikeroutes dataframe is rather strange.




Group has 8192 levels, but there were originally 7712 lines. How do we know which ride is which? The group has a strange system, where the numbers are zero-indexed and the decimal place corresponds to the piece. So to get an ID we can just

bikeroutes.df$group %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric() %>% ceiling() %>% summary()
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       1    1435    3138    3386    5220    7712
bikeroutes.df$id <-
  bikeroutes.df$group %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric() %>% ceiling()

Really we need two dataframes: one for all the points that make up the paths and one just with an observation for each route.

rides <- bikeroutes.shapefile@data %>%
         rr_transformation) %>%
  # No need to have the actual primary keys here. Not good for security anyways.
  mutate(owner__pk = as.numeric(owner__pk),
         pk = as.numeric(pk)) %>%

Okay, but now we have another weird issue.

## Source: local data frame [6 x 7]
##   rating rating_text owner__pk original_trip_length
##    (int)      (fctr)     (dbl)                (dbl)
## 1      1        good         1            2507.7034
## 2      1        good         1            2507.7034
## 3      1        good         1            2507.7034
## 4      1        good         1            2507.7034
## 5      1        good         2             226.8222
## 6      1        good         2             226.8222
## Variables not shown: created (fctr), pk (dbl), rr_transformation (fctr)
head(bikeroutes.df %>% filter(order == 1))
##        long      lat order piece group id
## 1 -122.6532 45.50247     1     1   0.1  1
## 2 -122.6532 45.50248     1     1   1.1  2
## 3 -122.6532 45.50247     1     1   2.1  3
## 4 -122.6532 45.50248     1     1   3.1  4
## 5 -122.6498 45.51493     1     1   4.1  5
## 6 -122.6496 45.51493     1     1   5.1  6

It seems like we have less data than we thought. It seems that there are four observations of every ride. One variable rr_transformation seems to explain on dimension of this duplication. This does explain why there are only 1928 primary keys and 7712 observations: $$1928 \times 4 = 7712.$$

# Add id to rides dataframe
rides$id <- 1:nrow(rides)

# Give a number to each of copies
rides$version <- as.factor(rep(c(1,2,3,4), 1928))

# Join over to paths <- bikeroutes.df %>%
  inner_join(rides, by="id")

# Plot the different versions %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
  geom_path(alpha=0.3, lineend = "butt") +
  coord_map(projection = "mercator",
            ylim = c(45.5, 45.525),
            xlim = c(-122.68, -122.64)) + 
  facet_wrap(~ version)

Okay, so the version I actually want are the 'simplify' versions. Let's select version 2. <- %>% filter(version == "2")

This seems to include locations outside of Portland, OR. So let's filter this data. <- %>%
  filter(lat < 45.462 | lat > 45.549 | long > -122.577 | long < -122.722) %>%
  distinct(pk) %>%
  .$pk %>%
  filter(!pk %in% %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
  geom_path(alpha=0.3, aes(col=rating), lineend = "butt") +
  coord_map(projection = "mercator") + 
  scale_color_gradient2(low = "yellow", mid = "green", high = "red")
## Warning: Non Lab interpolation is deprecated

That's quite a bit of coverage for only five people!

How do they seem to rate their rides?

rides %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = rating_text)) + 
  geom_histogram() + 

Alright let's save this data for now.

save(, file = "../data/bikeroutes.RData")
save(rides, file = "../data/rides.RData")

wjones127/thesis documentation built on May 4, 2019, 7:34 a.m.