
Week 19

Writing Progress

I've started adding more to my thesis, though in a somewhat unorganized fashion. I think the introduction will continuously evolve as I come up with other ways of writing it.

I think I can have a solid draft of the chapters on data sources, methods, and about the first modeling iterations.

As it is it still feels a bit scattered right now, so it will soon need another person to look over it to make sure the flow of ideas actually make sense. I've been a little lazy with citations, but hopefully that will change soon.

First Models Back

I got the first iteration of models back, sort of. I had to send a script to Evan at Ride Report and he ran the models on larger samples. He said he first tried it on a sample of 65,000 rides, but that the data cleaning took up 6GB of memory and then crashed. After doing a bit of testing I think this might be from the initial import command for the GeoJSON, which is something I have no idea how to get around.

He then tried it on a smaller sample, and for some reasons predictions weren't working. It said there were new factor levels so it couldn't predict. I tried to remedy this by changing how the rides were split into testing and training sets to a solution where it samples for each rider, ensuring that each rider has at least some rides in the training data. However, when I sent this to Evan that didn't work.

So I just told him to comment out the separation plots and predictions, and he gave me the rest of the results. :cry:

The results were interesting. I think ultimately plots though were not good enough. I wish I had shown confidence intervals for the estimated empiracal probabilities. It's really hard to know from the plots if I should trust those trends.

One interesting finding from the models is that the distribution of the rider intercepts has a long right tail. So it seems the majority of riders have a small probability of giving a stressful rating, while others have varyingly high numbers.

The wind speed variable seems to have no effect, but rainfall for past four hours seems to be very important.

The result can be found in model_iterations/model1/results/first_model.html.

Next Model Iteration

So there are a few things I want to do in the next iteration of models:

Goals for next week

wjones127/thesis documentation built on May 4, 2019, 7:34 a.m.