# This chunk ensures that the reedtemplates package is installed and loaded
# This reedtemplates package includes the template files for the thesis and also
# two functions used for labeling and referencing
  install.packages("devtools", repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com")


Modeling Missing Response {#missing-data}

Of the 25,397 rides in the data set, 11,365 were not rated. With such a large amount of missing data, careful consideration should be made about what can be inferred from this data set. A common problem with missing responses in crowdsourced rating data sets is that the missingness of ratings is not independent of the ratings that the users would give. This worry motivated Ying, Feinberg, and Wedel's work on creating models for recomendation systems based on online ratings that explicitely modelled missing data^[@ying2006]. In the case of rides, it's possible that cyclists are more likely to rate their ride if they had a bad experience than if their ride was uneventful. This kind of correlation between missingness and the response can cause strong biases in the estimates, as we will demonstrate.

In this chapter, we attempt to address the missing data issues by fitting a model that simultanesouly models the missing data mechanism and the ride ratings. However, with the current state of the ride data, these models may be unable to come up with accurate estimates because of another problem in the data collection. As mentioned in Chapter 1, rides are often misclassified as bike rides when they are actually car rides or rides on public transit. We suspect that many of the unrated rides are rides that were misclassified as bike rides, and thus were not rated by the rider. (We assume that riders don't often go through the effort of correcting the classification of rides and know not to rate rides that weren't bike rides.) If this is the case, then it would be inappropriate to make use of the data with missing responses. If, however, Ride Report is able to improve their classification enough to make this a non-issue, these methods could be vital to accurately modeling ride rating.

What could possibly go wrong?

We focus on the situation we have, where our response variable $y_i$ has missing values. Define the vector $R = (r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_n)$ such that

\begin{equation} r_i = \left{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, & \text{if } y_i \text{ is missing};\ 0, & \text{if } y_i \text{ is observed}; \end{array} \right. \end{equation} for $i = 1,\ldots, n$

Rubin classifies missing data into three situations^[@little1987 (page 14)]:

  1. Missing Completely at Random (MCAR), where $R$ is independent of $Y$ and the predictors $X$. i.e. $\mathbb{P} (R = 1| Y, X) = \mathbb{P}(R = 1$)
  2. Missing at Random (MAR), where $R$ is independent of $Y$, but may depend on $X$, i.e. $\mathbb{P} (R = 1 |Y, X) = \mathbb{P} (R = 1 | X )$
  3. Nonignorable, or not MCAR nor MAR, where $R$ is dependent on $Y$.

As discussed in the introduction, we believe that rider ratings may be correlated with nonresponse and thus the missing ratings are non-ignorable.

If missing data is nonignorable, what could go wrong with our models? Let's look at a toy example. Define the data set of $n$ observations with $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$, $y \in {0,1}^n$, and $R$ defined as before, where $$x_i \sim \text{Normal}(0,1),$$ $$y_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\text{logit}^{-1} (4x_i)),$$ $$r_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(0.3 + 0.4 y_i),$$ for $i = 1, \ldots, n$.

packages <- c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "extrafont", "gridExtra", "lme4")
sapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE)
invlogit <- function (x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) 

n <- 1e4
x <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = invlogit(4 * x))
psi <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = invlogit(0.3 + 0.4 * y))
df <- data.frame(x, y, psi) %>%
  mutate(y_obs = ifelse(psi == 1, NA, y))

actual_model <- glm(y ~ x, data = df, family = binomial)
actual_intercept <- coef(actual_model)[1]
actual_slope <- coef(actual_model)[2]

estimate_slope <- function() {
  psi <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = invlogit(0.3 + 0.4 * df$y))
  df$y_obs <- ifelse(psi == 1, NA, df$y)
  model <- glm(y_obs ~ x, data = df, family = binomial)

slopes <- replicate(1000, estimate_slope())
p1 <- qplot(x = slopes) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 4, linetype = "dashed") + 
    annotate(geom = "label", y = 75, x = 4.00, label = "Actual Slope") +
  theme_bw(base_family="CMU Serif")

estimate_intercept <- function() {
  psi <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = invlogit(0.3 + 0.4 * df$y))
  df$y_obs <- ifelse(psi == 1, NA, df$y)
  model <- glm(y_obs ~ x, data = df, family = binomial)

intercepts <- replicate(1000, estimate_intercept())
p2 <- qplot(x = intercepts, bins = 30) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + 
  annotate(geom = "label", y = 75, x = -0.1, label = "Actual Intercept") +
  theme_bw(base_family="CMU Serif")

missing_model1_estimates <- arrangeGrob(p1, p2, nrow=1)

ggsave('figure/missing_model1_estimates.pdf', missing_model1_estimates, width=6, height=2.25)

\begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics{figure/missing_model1_estimates.pdf} \caption[Simulated example of biased estimates from nonignorable missing response]{Simulated example of logistic regression fits to a model with nonignorable missing response. One data set of size $n = 10^4$ was computed from the toy data model. We then recomputed $R$ 1,000 times, each time fitting a simple logistic regression model to $y$ and $X$. \label{fig:missing-model1-estimates}} \end{figure}

If we attempt to fit a logistic regression model to this data our estimate of the intercept will be inaccurate. r ref("missing-model1-estimates") shows the results of a simulation, computing the slope and intercepts for 1,000 different patterns of missing data for the same generated data set generated from our toy data model.

It makes sense that we are underestimating our intercept. The intercept can be interpreted as the base rate, and if values of $y_i = 1$ are more likely to be missing, the overall rate we observe will be lower.

Clearly, if we have nonignorable missing response, we are in a bad situation. Having missingness depend on $Y$ leads to biased estimates of our intercepts when we fit models. But we do have all of our predictors of $y$, with no missingness. Could we leverage our understanding of how $X$ predicts $Y$ to understand the patterns of missing response?

Modeling the Missing Data Mechanism with Expectation Maximization {#em-algorithm}

Here we perform the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm using the weighting method proposed by Ibrahim and Lipsitz^[@ibrahim1996]. Let $y$ be our binary response and $X$ be our predictors. With these we have our complete data logistic regression model $f(y \;|\; X, \beta)$, where $\beta$ is a vector of parameters in the complete data model.

We then specify a logistic regression model for missingness ($R$): $f(R \;|\; X, y, \alpha)$, where $\alpha$ is the vector of parameters in the missingness model.

We begin the algorithm by getting our first estimates of $\alpha$ and $\beta$. We obtain $\beta^{(1)}$ by estimating $\beta$ with only the non-missing data (i.e. fit the models as if there were no missing data). We can then estimate $y$ for the missing data using $\beta^{(1)}$, and then use those estimates to compute $\alpha^{(1)}$.

For the E-step, we compute weights for each observation with missing response, representing the probability that the $i$th observation has response value $y_i$:

\begin{equation} w_{i\: y_i}^{(t)} = f(y_i \;|\; r_i, x_i, \alpha^{(t)}, \beta^{(t)}) = \frac{f(y_i \;|\; x_i, \beta^{(t)}) f(r_i \;|\; x_i, y_i, \alpha^{(t)})}{ \sum_{y_i \in {0,1}} f(y_i \;|\; x_i, \beta^{(t)}) f(r_i \;|\; x_i, y_i, \alpha^{(t)}) }. \label{eq:weights} \end{equation}

\ref{eq:weights} is essentially an application of Bayes' theorem. We can view $f(y_i \;|\; r_i, x_i, \alpha^{(t)}, \beta^{(t)})$ as the posterior density of $y_i$ given observation $i$ is missing, where $f(y_i \;|\; x_i, \beta^{(t)})$ is the prior distribution and $f(r_i \;|\; x_i, y_i, \alpha^{(t)})$ serves as the likelihood.

For observed responses, $w_{i\: y_i}^{(t)} = 1$. Note that for each observation $i$, $\sum_{y_i \in {0,1}} w_{i\; y_i} = 1.$ We can compute $f(y_i \;|\; x_i, \beta^{(t)})$ and $f(r_i \;|\; x_i, y_i, \alpha^{(t)})$ by making use of predictions from regression models. So in R, we can fit models and use the predict() function to get our probabilities from each of these models.

For the M-step, we find our next estimates of the parameters, $\alpha^{(t + 1)}$ and $\beta^{(t + 1)}$, by maximizing

\begin{equation} Q(\alpha, \beta \;|\; \alpha^{(t)}, \beta^{(t)}) = \sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{y_i \in {0,1}} w_{iy_i}^{(t)} \cdot l(\alpha, \beta | x_i, y_i, r_i). \end{equation}

We do this by first by estimating $\beta^{(t + 1)}$ using weighted maximum likelihood for the complete data model, and then estimating $\alpha^{(t + 1)}$ using the same method. To maximize $l(\alpha, \beta | x_i, y_i, r_i)$, we maximize the product of their likelihoods, $$l(\alpha, \beta | x_i, y_i, r_i) = l(\beta | x_i, y_i) l(\alpha | r_i, x_i, y_i),$$ which we can maximize by maximizing each of the likelihoods separately because our estimates of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are only dependent on each other through $x$ and $y$. This allows us to use any package that can fit models by maximum likelihood estimation using weights for the observations, which includes all of the model fitting packages we used in Chapter 3.

In order to create the data to fit these models, we create an augmented data set where each observation missing the response is recorded as two rows. These duplicate rows represent the two possible values of the response, and also contain the weights computed in the E-step. r ref("augmented-data") describes this process graphically.

\begin{figure}[htb] \centering \caption[How to create augmented data for EM algorithm]{ How to create augmented data for EM algorithm: duplicate rows that are missing the response variable, assigning to each row a possible value of the reponse and its associated weight. \label{fig:augmented-data}} \begin{tabular}{lcl} \toprule \textbf{Original Data} & & \textbf{Augmented Data}\ \midrule

\begin{tabular}{lll} $y_i$ & $x_i$ & $r_i$\ \midrule 1 & 2.4 & 0\ 0 & 1.3 & 0\ NA & -0.4 & 0\ & & \end{tabular} & $\to$ & \begin{tabular}{llll} $y_i$ & $x_i$ & $r_i$ & $w_i$\ \midrule 1 & 2.4 & 0 & 1\ 0 & 1.3 & 0 & 1\ 1 & -0.4 & 0 & 0.2\ 0 & -0.4 & 0 & 0.8 \end{tabular}\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{figure}

We repeat the E and M step until the joint loglikelihood converges to within some tolerance. An implementation of this algorithm can be found in r ref("em-implementation", type = "header").

As an example, we simulated a dataset from the same model we presented earlier of size $10^4$. Of those observations, 6,252 were missing. As shown in r ref("EM-sim", type = "table"), the estimate for the intercept in the model that only considers the complete data is way off, but the model resulting from the EM algorithm is nearly as accurate as the model fit to the full data (with missing values filled in from the original data model.) The missing data model is also able to get accurate estimates of the parameters that define the missing data mechanism, but the estimates are quite uncertain.

# Get initial estimates of parameters
model_y <- gam(y_obs ~ x, data = df, family=binomial)
df$pred_y <- predict(model_y, newdata = df, type="response")
model_r <- gam(psi ~ pred_y + x, data = df, family = binomial)


# Setup data frames
df_complete <- df %>%
  tbl_df() %>%
  filter(!is.na(y_obs)) %>%
  mutate(weight = 1)
df_missing <- df %>%
  tbl_df() %>%
  filter(is.na(y_obs)) %>%
  mutate(weight = NA)

for (i in 1:50) {
  # get prob of 1
  pred_y <- predict(model_y, newdata = df_missing, type="response")

  # get prob missing given y
  pred_r_y1 <- predict(model_r, 
                       newdata = mutate(df_missing, pred_y = 1), 
  pred_r_y0 <- predict(model_r, 
                       newdata = mutate(df_missing, pred_y = 0),

  # Make weights
  denom <- (pred_y * pred_r_y1) + ((1-pred_y) * pred_r_y0)
  w_y1 <- pred_y * pred_r_y1 / denom
  w_y2 <- (1-pred_y) * pred_r_y0 / denom

 # print(pred)
  df_augmented <- bind_rows(df_complete,
                               weight = w_y1, 
                               y_obs = 1),
                               weight = w_y2,
                               y_obs = 0))
  model_y <- gam(y_obs ~ x, data = df_augmented, family = binomial,
               weights = df_augmented$weight)
  model_r <- gam(psi ~ pred_y + x, data = df_augmented, family = binomial,
                 weights = df_augmented$weight)

sum((pred_y > 0.5) != df_missing$y)

\begin{table}[htb] \caption{Coefficients for models fit to simulated data set ($\pm$ twice the standard error.) \label{tab:EM-sim}} \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule Model & $\hat{\beta}0$ & $2 \cdot SE{\hat{\beta}0}$ & $\hat{\beta}_X$ & $2 \cdot SE{\hat{\beta}_X}$\ \midrule Actual & 0 & -- & 4 & --\ Full Data Model & $-0.009$ & $0.065$ & $3.881$ & $0.080$\ Complete Data Model & $-0.278$ & $0.106$ & $3.819$ & $0.259$\ EM Final Model & $0.042$ & $0.065$ & $3.814$ & $0.157$\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table}

\begin{table}[htb] \caption{Estimates for missing data mechanism for simulated model. \label{tab:EM-sim-missing}} \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule Model & $\hat{\alpha}0$ & $2 \cdot SE{\hat{\alpha}0}$ & $\hat{\alpha}_Y$ & $2 \cdot SE{\hat{\alpha}_Y}$\ \midrule Actual & 0.3 & -- & 0.4 & --\ EM Missing Data Model & $0.263$ & $0.132$ & $0.530$ & $0.268$\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table}

EM Algorithm for the Ride Data

In order to perform the algorithm, we need to specify a model for nonresponse. We will use the same predictors that we do in Model 4 for ride rating---including a smoothing spline for time of day for weekdays and weekends---except we do not use random rider intercepts. For the EM algorithm, we use Model 4 as our ride rating model and use the following model for the rating nonresponse mechanism:

\begin{equation} r_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\text{logit}^{-1} (\alpha_0 + y_i \alpha_y + X_i \alpha_x + X^\text{weekend} \cdot f^\text{time.w} (t_i) + (1 - X^\text{weekend}) \cdot f^\text{time} (t_i))). \end{equation}

\begin{table}[htb] \centering \caption{Fit summaries for Model 4 and the EM Model\label{tab:em-modelfits}} \begin{tabular}{lm{4in}rrr} \toprule \textbf{Model} & \textbf{Separation Plot} & \textbf{AUC}\footnotemark\ \midrule Model 4 & \includegraphics{figure/model4-sep.pdf} & 0.802\ EM Model & \includegraphics{figure/em-separation-plot.pdf} & 0.763\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table}

The fit for the EM algorithm seems to be worse. The AUC, shown in r ref("em-modelfits", type = "table"), which was computed on the complete data, was lower than that of Model 4.

\begin{table}[htb] \caption{Ride rating model estimates after EM algorithm \label{tab:em-model-estimates}} \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule \textbf{Parameter} & \textbf{Model 4} & \textbf{EM Model}\ \midrule Log(Length) & -0.147 & 0.205\ & \footnotesize (-0.290, -0.005) & \footnotesize (0.106, 0.304)\ Mean Temperature & 0.142 & 0.100\ & \footnotesize (0.004, 0.281) & \footnotesize (0.005, 0.196)\ Mean Wind Speed & 0.002 & -0.026\ & \footnotesize (-0.054, 0.057) & \footnotesize (-0.069, 0.016)\ Max Gust Speed & -0.005 & 0.020\ & \footnotesize (-0.031, 0.021) & \footnotesize (0.001, 0.039)\ Rainfall & 0.050 & 0.051\ & \footnotesize (-0.017, 0.117) & \footnotesize (0.009, 0.093)\ Rainfall 4-Hour & 0.022 & 0.017\ & \footnotesize (0.003, 0.041) & \footnotesize (0.003, 0.030)\ Intercept & -2.792 & -3.144\ & \footnotesize (-3.334, -2.250) & \footnotesize (-3.604, -2.684)\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table}

There are two disagreements between the EM model and Model 4 for ride rating: the coefficients for $x^\text{length}$ and $x^\text{rain}$. The former has flipped sign while the latter has much less uncertainty in its estimate.

The coefficients for the missing model, shown in r ref("nonresponse-estimates", type="table") confirm our worry that many of the rides missing the rating are not bike rides. These model coefficients suggests that rides are much more likely to be missing if they have a negative rating. We hypothesized that there would be a weak negative effect of a negative rating on missingness; while any reasonable researcher wouldn't dismiss the estimates because the sign wasn't what was expected, the magnitude seems much more in line with the hypothesis that many of the missing ratings correspond to car rides.

It's tempting to suggest that longer rides tend to be missing, but they are also more likely to be rated negatively; the distribution of ride lengths are actually about the same for rated and non-rated rides. But does it make sense that we would have the same distribution of ride lengths for rated and non-rated rides, if we suspect many of the non-rated rides are actually car rides? Yes, so long as we keep in mind that these are rides that have been misclassified as bike rides; we expect the classifier already filtered out car rides that were too long and fast to be bike rides.

\begin{table}[htb] \caption[Estimates for ride rating nonresponse mechanism]{ Estimates for ride rating nonresponse mechanism. The Basic Nonresponse Model is estimated based on the data with $y$ predicted by Model 4. The EM Nonresponse Model is estimated with the EM algorithm, which uses the same model specifications. \label{tab:nonresponse-estimates}} \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule \textbf{Parameter} & \textbf{Basic Nonresponse Model} & \textbf{EM Nonresponse Model}\ \midrule $y$ & 0.730 & 1.035\ & \footnotesize (0.235, 1.224) & \footnotesize (0.493, 1.577) \ Log(Length) & -0.297 & -0.327\ & \footnotesize (-0.362, -0.232) & \footnotesize (-0.393, -0.262)\ Mean Temperature & 0.200 & 0.139\ & \footnotesize (0.139, 0.262) & \footnotesize (0.077, -0.262)\ Mean Wind Speed & 0.032 & 0.031\ & \footnotesize (0.003, 0.060) & \footnotesize (0.001, 0.061) \ Max Gust Speed & -0.003 & -0.007\ & \footnotesize (-0.016, 0.010) & \footnotesize (-0.021, 0.006) \ Rainfall & 0.007 & -0.024\ & \footnotesize (-0.028, 0.041) & \footnotesize (-0.057, 0.009)\ Rainfall 4-Hour & -0.002 & 0.010\ & \footnotesize (-0.012, 0.009) & \footnotesize (-0.001, 0.021) \ Intercept & -0.927 & -0.967\ & \footnotesize (-1.124, -0.729) & \footnotesize (-1.163, -0.771)\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table}

Unfortunately, these models do not seem ready for use on the Ride Report data until the quality of data with missing ratings can be assured. Knock Software is planning on fixing this, so such an analysis may be viable within a year or two of collecting new data. (Because the accelorometer data is not saved, they cannot go back and attempt to reclassify old rides.)

wjones127/thesis documentation built on May 4, 2019, 7:34 a.m.