recoverable: List the most upstream _recoverable_ outdated targets....

View source: R/outdated.R

recoverableR Documentation

List the most upstream recoverable outdated targets. [Stable]


Only shows the most upstream updated targets. Whether downstream targets are recoverable depends on the eventual values of the upstream targets in the next make().


recoverable(..., make_imports = TRUE, do_prework = TRUE, config = NULL)



Arguments to make(), such as plan and targets and envir.


Logical, whether to make the imports first. Set to FALSE to save some time and risk obsolete output.


Whether to do the prework normally supplied to make().


Deprecated (2019-12-21). A configured workflow from drake_config().


Character vector of the names of recoverable targets.


make(recover = TRUE, recoverable = TRUE) powers automated data recovery. The default of recover is FALSE because targets recovered from the distant past may have been generated with earlier versions of R and earlier package environments that no longer exist.

How it works: if recover is TRUE, drake tries to salvage old target values from the cache instead of running commands from the plan. A target is recoverable if

  1. There is an old value somewhere in the cache that shares the command, dependencies, etc. of the target about to be built.

  2. The old value was generated with make(recoverable = TRUE).

If both conditions are met, drake will

  1. Assign the most recently-generated admissible data to the target, and

  2. skip the target's command.

See Also

r_recoverable(), r_outdated(), drake_config(), missed(), drake_plan(), make()


## Not run: 
isolate_example("Quarantine side effects.", {
if (suppressWarnings(require("knitr"))) {
load_mtcars_example() # Get the code with drake_example("mtcars").
outdated(my_plan) # Which targets are outdated?
recoverable(my_plan) # Which of these are recoverable and upstream?
# The report still builds because clean() removes,
# but make() recovers the rest.
make(my_plan, recover = TRUE)
# When was the *recovered* small data actually built (first stored)?
# (Was I using a different version of R back then?)
# If you set the same seed as before, you can even
# rename targets without having to build them again.
# For an example, see
# the "Reproducible data recovery and renaming" section of

## End(Not run)

wlandau-lilly/drake documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.