render_text_drake_graph: Show a workflow graph as text in your terminal window using...

View source: R/text_drake_graph.R

render_text_drake_graphR Documentation

Show a workflow graph as text in your terminal window using drake_graph_info() output. [Stable]


This function is called inside text_drake_graph(), which typical users call more often. See ?text_drake_graph for details.


render_text_drake_graph(graph_info, nchar = 1L, print = TRUE)



List of data frames generated by drake_graph_info(). There should be 3 data frames: nodes, edges, and legend_nodes.


For each node, maximum number of characters of the node label to show. Can be 0, in which case each node is a colored box instead of a node label. Caution: nchar > 0 will mess with the layout.


Logical. If TRUE, the graph will print to the console via message(). If FALSE, nothing is printed. However, you still have the visualization because text_drake_graph() and render_text_drake_graph() still invisibly return a character string that you can print yourself with message().


The lines of text in the visualization.

See Also

text_drake_graph(), vis_drake_graph(), sankey_drake_graph(), drake_ggraph()


## Not run: 
isolate_example("Quarantine side effects.", {
if (suppressWarnings(require("knitr"))) {
load_mtcars_example() # Get the code with drake_example("mtcars").
pkgs <- requireNamespace("txtplot", quietly = TRUE) &&
  requireNamespace("visNetwork", quietly = TRUE)
if (pkgs) {
# Instead of jumpting right to vis_drake_graph(), get the data frames
# of nodes, edges, and legend nodes.
text_drake_graph(my_plan) # Jump straight to the interactive graph.
# Get the node and edge info that vis_drake_graph() just plotted:
graph <- drake_graph_info(my_plan)
# You can pass the data frames right to render_text_drake_graph().

## End(Not run)

wlandau-lilly/drake documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.