use_drake: Use drake in a project *[Questioning]*

View source: R/use_drake.R

use_drakeR Documentation

Use drake in a project [Questioning]


Add top-level R script files to use drake in your data analysis project. For details, read ⁠⁠


use_drake(open = interactive())



Logical, whether to open make.R for editing.


Files written:

  1. make.R: a suggested main R script for batch mode.

  2. ⁠_drake.R⁠: a configuration R script for the ⁠r_*()⁠ functions documented at # nolint ⁠⁠. # nolint Remarks:

  • There is nothing magical about the name, make.R. You can call it whatever you want.

  • Other supporting scripts, such as R/packages.R, R/functions.R, and R/plan.R, are not included.

  • You can find examples at ⁠⁠ and download examples with drake_example() (e.g. drake_example("main")).


## Not run: 
# use_drake(open = FALSE) # nolint

## End(Not run)

wlandau-lilly/drake documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.