purrr is better!

purrr is a much better package for this use case than eply. Please use purrr.


Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

The eply package processes batches of quoted expressions. Just as apply() acts on data frames of function arguments, eply() acts on data frames of quoted expressions that return arguments. The package also has evals(), which simply evaluates a character vector of quoted expressions, plus some nice utilities.


First, ensure that R is installed, as well as the dependencies in the DESCRIPTION. To install the latest CRAN release, run


To install the development version, get the devtools package and then run

devtools::install_github("wlandau/eply", build = TRUE)

Alternatively, download the source, unzip it, and install it locally.

devtools::install_local("eply", build = TRUE)


The online package vignette has a complete tutorial. You can the load the compiled version from an R session.


Help and troubleshooting

Use the help_eply() function to obtain a collection of helpful links. For troubleshooting, please refer to on the GitHub page for instructions.

wlandau/eply documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:39 a.m.