This R package encapsulates a toy workflow. I created it to test if the remake package plays nicely with workflows implemented as R packages. Use devtools::install_github() to install.

The workflow

The workflow generates some data, processes the data, and makes a plot. In terms of functions in R/code.R, the workflow does the following.

wrapper_function() # calls generate_data()
processed <- process_data("data.csv")

I would like to run the workflow using remake. I use the following remake.yml

  - remakeLoadPackge.R

    depends: plot.pdf

    command: wrapper_function()

    command: process_data("data.csv")

    command: myplot(processed)
    plot: true

with remakeLoadPackage.R below


which I would like to keep short since I want to rely on my package to define the elements of the workflow.

The results

After building and installing remkeInPackage and putting remake.yml and remakeLoadPackage.R in my current working directory, a call to remake::make() completes normally.

> library(remake)
> make()
[  LOAD ] 
[  READ ]           |  # loading sources
<  MAKE > all
[ BUILD ] data.csv  |  wrapper_function()
[  READ ]           |  # loading packages
[ BUILD ] processed |  processed <- process_data("data.csv")
[  PLOT ] plot.pdf  |  myplot(processed) # ==> plot.pdf
[ ----- ] all

But when I modify the contents of remakeInPackage::generate_data(), rebuild and resintall remakeInPackage, open a new R session, and then call remake::make(), the output files are not remade.

> make() 
<  MAKE > all
[    OK ] data.csv
[    OK ] processed
[    OK ] plot.pdf
[ ----- ] all

I would like a remake to be triggered here.

wlandau/remakeInPackage documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:45 a.m.