Man pages for wmacnair/psupplementary
Data used in paper describing psupertime method

acinar_cells_go_term_analysisClustering of genes, plus GO term analysis of them (Supp Fig...
acinar_cells_plotsDimensionality reduction plots and standard psupertime...
acinar_sceAging human acinar cells
beta_sceDeveloping mouse beta cells
calc_tsneCalculates tSNE projection
calc_umapCalculates UMAP projection
colon_sceMouse colon cells
germ_sceDeveloping human female germline cells
hesc_sceHuman embryonic stem cells
mef_sceMouse embryonic fibroblasts reprogrammed to neurons
plot_dim_reductionNice plotting of dimensionality reduction
plot_selected_cluster_orderingPlot this clustering nicely
scale_dimScales dimensions for nice plotting
unsupervised_clustering_of_colon_cellsClustering and psupertime analysis of colon cells (Fig 1F,...
wmacnair/psupplementary documentation built on Sept. 10, 2019, 1:36 p.m.