acc_bg: PVB correction by Begg and Greenes' method with asymptotic...

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acc_bgR Documentation

PVB correction by Begg and Greenes' method with asymptotic normal CI


PVB correction by Begg and Greenes' method with asymptotic normal CI. This is limited to no covariate.


acc_bg(data, test, disease, ci = FALSE, ci_level = 0.95, description = TRUE)



A data frame, with at least "Test" and "Disease" variables.


The "Test" variable name, i.e. the test result. The variable must be in binary; positive = 1, negative = 0 format.


The "Disease" variable name, i.e. the true disease status. The variable must be in binary; positive = 1, negative = 0 format.


View confidence interval (CI). The default is FALSE.


Set the CI width. The default is 0.95 i.e. 95% CI.


Print the name of this analysis. The default is TRUE. This can be turned off for repeated analysis, for example in bootstrapped results.


A list object containing:


The accuracy results.


  1. Begg, C. B., & Greenes, R. A. (1983). Assessment of diagnostic tests when disease verification is subject to selection bias. Biometrics, 207–215.

  2. Harel, O., & Zhou, X.-H. (2006). Multiple imputation for correcting verification bias. Statistics in Medicine, 25(22), 3769–3786.

  3. Zhou, X.-H. (1993). Maximum likelihood estimators of sensitivity and specificity corrected for verification bias. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 22(11), 3177–3198.

  4. Zhou, X.-H. (1994). Effect of verification bias on positive and negative predictive values. Statistics in Medicine, 13(17), 1737–1745.

  5. Zhou, X.-H., Obuchowski, N. A., & McClish, D. K. (2011). Statistical Methods in Diagnostic Medicine (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.


acc_bg(data = cad_pvb, test = "T", disease = "D")  # equivalent to result by acc_ebg()
acc_bg(data = cad_pvb, test = "T", disease = "D", ci = TRUE)
  # the CIs are slightly differerent from result by acc_ebg()

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