Man pages for wolski/mouseTissueCompare
Compare Mouse Tissues

annotateSamplesannotate sample
createGraphcreate an igraph
filterAndAggregatefilter ms exeperiment and aggreage peptides proteins
getDowngets upper left quarter of a matrix
getDownUpgets lower left quarter of a matrix
getUpgets lower right quarter of a matrix
graphMeasurescomputes graph measures degree, closeness, betweeness
keepSamplekeep samples containing string
myqnormalizequantile normalization
plotGraphplot igraph facade
plotGraph2plot a graph - facade to igraphs plot function
plotGraphAnnplot a graph - facade to igraphs plot function
plotGraphAnn2plot a graph - facade to igraphs plot function
plotGraphSimpleplot a graph - facade to igraphs plot function
plotHistCor2Condplots histograms from upper left, lower left, and lower right...
prefilterNewDataSetload eperiment, aggregate peptides from top transitions etc.
rmNarowsremove rows with NAs from matrix
selectMatchStrainsSelects those columns with same strain information
wolski/mouseTissueCompare documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:47 a.m.