
Defines functions LRMSD RMSD calCo

Documented in calCo

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#' Calculate Cartesian coordinates for 1-4 bonded atoms
#' @description 
#' Given coordinates for the first three atoms forming a dihedral,
#' the dihedral angle, bond angle, and bond length, calculate the coordinates
#' of the fourth atom forming the dihedral.
#' @param prev_atoms a 3x3 matrix of coordinates for atoms 1-2-3 in dihedral, listed by row
#' @param length bond length between atoms 3-4 in dihedral 
#' @param bAngle planar bond angle between atoms 2-3-4
#' @param tAngle dihedral angle formed by atoms 1-2-3-4
#' @return
#' Returns the vector of coordinates for the fourth atom in the dihedral
calCo <- function(prev_atoms, length, bAngle, tAngle) {
    .Call(`_compass_calCo`, prev_atoms, length, bAngle, tAngle)

RMSD <- function(x, y) {
    .Call(`_compass_RMSD`, x, y)

LRMSD <- function(xr, yr) {
    .Call(`_compass_LRMSD`, xr, yr)
wongswk/compass documentation built on Jan. 9, 2022, 8:31 p.m.